Call of Duty developer Infinity Ward is busy hiring for a new project slated to appear on ‘multiple next-gen platforms,’ according to a new job listing posted by the company.

Assuming this is a Call of Duty game (and it probably is, this being Infinity Ward and all), the game will very likely have a dedicated story campaign. 

The opening is for a temporary narrative scripter to help out on the mystery title, and has frequent references to ‘cinematic’ work. Given that Call of Duty games are known for their bombastic, Hollywood-esque campaigns (apart from Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, that is), this would certainly point to a story mode being included.

Obviously, the main talking point here is the reference to next-generation systems, which is interesting considering Infinity Ward’s next Call of Duty game — assuming they’re sticking to the usual three-year rotation with Sledgehammer Games and Treyarch — will be next year.

That’s a bit too early for the new PlayStation and Xbox, which are rumoured to appear around 2020 or possibly the year after. 

Microsoft confirmed at E3 that it is working on a new console reportedly codenamed Scarlet, though gave no indication of when it’ll see the light of day.

Recent murmurs have suggested that next year’s Call of Duty game will be Modern Warfare 4. Is this what Infinity Ward is hiring for?