The beginning of the Call of Duty League will soon be here and the hype has been steadily building with each announcement made from the league. The Call of Duty League announced the schedule for the 2020 season - in a similar format to how the Overwatch League will operate next year. Matches will be featured throughout the different local-markets that include Seattle, London and Paris just to name a few.

It was revealed that Minnesota would be hosting the opening weekend. After that, the excitement was high for what the league would be offering fans of professional Call of Duty. Unfortunately, it seems that the hype may be dying out after the Call of Duty League announced the match schedules for the first half of the season.

The opening weekend in Minnesota will feature all 12 teams across the league with over the course of 11 matches Friday-Sunday. It promises some strong matches but some expected a more traditional approach to the event. Professional Call of Duty typically revolved tournaments spread throughout the year, but with the new location-based format, the Call of Duty League will follow a more traditional sports league approach by playing matches throughout the regular season before the playoffs and finals at the end.

It’s hard to knock fans for preconceived notions they had going into the Call of Duty League. Professional Call of Duty has been around for a while and the new league is looking to shake things up in ways never seen before. It will take some getting used to and it’s still unclear how well the league will succeed beyond its first few years. All that fans of the league can hope for now are some truly great matches and an entire season build-up that should pay off when one team is crowned the inaugural season champions of the Call of Duty League.