Call of Duty Mobile has been out for about a week now, and the game has so far been met with enthusiasm from the Call of Duty community. However, there has been some criticism aimed at Call of Duty Mobile’s use of bots, and some player shave also taken issue with its profanity filter, which seems to censor strange words.

The Call of Duty Mobile profanity filter keeps players from sending particularly nasty messages to others, but it also doesn’t let them use phrases that they may legitimately need to use when communicating about a Call of Duty game. For example, the words “sniper” and “assault” are both reportedly banned by the Call of Duty Mobile profanity filter for some players, which is strange since a player may want to send a teammate a message about using a “sniper” or “assault rifle.”

Another word banned by the Call of Duty Mobile profanity filter is perhaps even more baffling. Apparently, Call of Duty Mobile players can’t use the word “domination,” which is actually the name of one of the game modes.

In our own testing, we were able to send messages to friends and create a recruitment announcement using some of the words that other Call of Duty Mobile players haven’t been able to use. This included “sniper,” “domination,” and “assault.” It’s possible that the Call of Duty Mobile profanity filter has already been updated or that it was erroneously blocking those words. It’s also possible that different words are banned in different regions, which would explain why we were able to send them and others could not.

Of course, a game like Call of Duty Mobile is expected to be changed semi-frequently throughout its lifespan. It’s a live-service style of game, which means the developers will regularly be releasing new content and changing certain things, profanity filter included. More substantial updates will likely add new standard multiplayer maps, maybe even a new Call of Mobile battle royale map, and a Zombies mode.

One future update could bring back Call of Duty Mobile controller support, but that remains to be seen. In the meantime, fans of the game can look forward to many future updates, especially if Call of Duty Mobile maintains its popularity.

Call of Duty Mobile is out now for iOS and Android mobile devices.

Source: SegmentNext