Call of Duty: Modern Warfare had a great year in 2019. The game was the best selling game of 2019 after only being out for a month. Not long after that, it was revealed as the most played multiplayer in the series’ history. Needless to say, a lot of people are playing Modern Warfare right now.

In a similar vein, 2020 is already shaping up to be a great year for Modern Warfare as well. Infinity Ward has continually updated the game during the last month of 2019, and that shows no signs of slowing down in 2020. To thank players for supporting its game and to ring in the new year, Activision is launching another Double XP event soon for most of the Call of Duty titles, and Modern Warfare is no exception.

For those who may be unaware, Double XP events are periods in Call of Duty where online multiplayer matches give double the normal amount of experience points gained. Most times, these events even bleed into the side game modes, like Special Ops. The next Double XP event is set to launch on January 10 at 10 a.m. PT and lasts until January 13 at 10 a.m. PT.

Activision made this announcement as part of its Call of Duty Briefing blog, wherein the company made a handful of other announcements as well. For example, Activision announced that a new update would bring back new and returning Call of Duty game modes. With this update, Gun Game would return, a 1v1 Gun Fight game mode would debut, and a new 5v5 Shipment 24/7 playlist would be added to the game among other things.

Lately, it seems as though Infinity Ward has been pretty good with listening to the community surrounding its game, and engaging with users on social platforms like Twitter and Reddit. Recently, one of the game’s artists, Joel Emslie, commented on Reddit that the team was interested in adding solid gun camos to Modern Warfare’s skin system. This came after a post by a fan requesting the feature specifically.

This announcement follows similar behavior, where the same artist replied to a Reddit post asking if the developers had plans to integrate more customization into the game’s blueprint system. Specifically, the Reddit post asked if the game would allow blueprint customization between different weapons, in order to mix and mash attachments and skins on similar weapons. Emslie confirmed that this is something it is looking into as well.

Though Infinity Ward seems to be listening to player feedback pretty intently, there are still some major improvements to the game’s systems and matchmaking that the community has been asking for. One of the biggest changes fans would like to see implemented is the ability to veto maps in online matchmaking. For now though, fans will just have to keep making sure their voices are coming through loud and clear.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.