Call of Duty: Modern Warfare just received a new update. As is tradition, dataminers dived into the game’s revised code to see if anything new was added that Infinity Ward isn’t quite ready to announce yet. It just so happens that there was.

The dive into Modern Warfare’s code seems to have produced an early look at the game’s already-animated Season 1 Battle Pass logo. The Battle Pass is Modern Warfare’s substitution for the Supply Drop function in past Call of Duty games like Advanced Warfare and WWII. In those games, Supply Drops were the loot box and microtransaction feature.

The logo looks to have been uncovered by Reddit user Senescallo. Since then, the post has been removed due to copyright strikes, likely coming from Activision. But, the post’s title claimed that the Battle Pass will have 100 tiers of content available and that the premium version can be purchased through Call of Duty Points.

With that being said, yes, there will be a free and premium version of the Battle Pass. This information comes from Activision executives, who also said they wanted to enact the Battle Pass around December, so the timing of the Battle Pass’s discovery is about right. The executives also said that all items in the Battle Pass that would affect gameplay would only be obtainable through gameplay, so players shouldn’t have to worry about a pay-to-win model. Everything else in the Battle Pass will provide aesthetic changes only.

There’s currently still no exact date as to when the Battle Pass will actually go live, but from the current looks of things, a large part of the Modern Warfare community couldn’t care less about that information. Most of them are irritated over the contents of Modern Warfare’s recent update, as it fails to address the main problems and issues that the community has been voicing about the game for some time now.

The feeling that Infinity Ward isn’t communicating with them about these issues doesn’t help matters either. The whole situation has many players claiming that they won’t be investing at all in the Battle Pass when it arrives because Activision and Infinity Ward don’t deserve any of their money until the game is fixed.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

Source: Senescallo/Reddit