Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, like most online-oriented games nowadays, has been subjected to datamining efforts in an attempt to figure out what’s coming next. That1MiningGuy, best known for their Apex Legends leaks, has started datamining Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, discovering quite a bit about the popular game’s future in the process.

That1MiningGuy has been posting Call of Duty: Modern Warfare leaks on Twitter, revealing 38 unreleased maps, cosmetics, and more. They’ve also found files for new multiplayer match types that will likely be coming to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare in future updates.

As revealed by That1MiningGuy, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s files reference unreleased modes like Capture the Flag and Arena. Furthermore, these modes seem to have three variants each, with standard, Hardcore, and Realism variants available.

Of course, it’s possible Infinity Ward won’t ever implement these modes, but with the popularity of Capture the Flag, it seems like it’s just a matter of time. It should also be noted that That1MiningGuy also found evidence of Kill Confirmed shortly before it was added to the game’s public playlists, so that lends even more credibility to these datamining leaks.

Some of the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare datamining leaks are a little more drastic than new multiplayer match types. There is some evidence that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will add Zombies in some capacity. However, it’s unclear if it will be in the form of a traditional Zombies game mode, if zombies will be added to Spec Ops, or if zombies will be added to standard multiplayer in some capacity. Previously, Infinity Ward flat-out denied that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare would have Zombies, so it’s interesting to see that there’s evidence of the mode in the game’s PC files.

There’s also been evidence that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will have a battle royale mode, though official nothing has been announced on that front so far. Again, it’s possible that nothing will come from these datamining efforts, so fans should keep their expectations in check.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.