Call of Duty: Modern Warfare has been a hit among the fans of the franchise and the critics. This reboot marks the return of the series to its military action roots instead of the Sci-Fi-tinted action found in the previous releases in the series. Even though the new series has some issues and bugs of its own, but the overall gameplay has vastly improved when compared to previous installments. Infinity Ward has been working hard to improve the game, and they’re even asking fans on ways to get them back into the game.

However, those who are still playing Modern Warfare’s multiplayer mode will be aware of one of the most controversial decisions by Infinity Ward, which is the removal of death counter in multiplayer matches. Shooter fans will know how important it is to have a death counter displayed in during a match so players can keep tabs on how many times they’ve died in around, but in Modern, Warfare players have to wait until the match is over to see how many deaths they’ve had in the match.

Fans have been asking the devs to add this simple feature to the game, but so far there have been no official details regarding the death counters. Luckily, the company has added a way to check player deaths during a match, but in order to enable it, players must pay the price, which is no surprise because previously fans were even charged for in-game items that could be unlocked for free.

The latest Mother Russia bundle is now available in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s in-game store, and it costs 2,000 COD points, which is roughly $20 in real-world currency. This bundle includes a new “Time to Die” watch that displays the number of deaths of the player that’s wearing it. So, those who are hell-bent on having a death counter for their character must shell out $20; sadly, the watch can not be bought separately, so players must buy the entire bundle. Character watches are new in-game customization feature introduced in Modern Warfare, which allows players to customize and equip their favorite watches to keep tabs on time, or in this case, their deaths in a match.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.