Call of Duty: Modern Warfare has earned a great deal of praise since launch, even winning an award at The Game Awards 2019. However, the game is certainly not without its flaws, and fans have been very vocal about what they don’t like about the game. Take for instance, the spawn system in multiplayer. While it seems most of the complaints about spawning in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare have been aimed at the Ground War game mode, there are some issues in standard multiplayer as well, with fans running into particular trouble on the small scale Shoot House map.

Perhaps due to how small Shoot House is, there have been some serious spawning issues on the map where players spawn repeatedly in the enemy’s line of sight. This gives players the chance to easily rack up a lot of kills without even having to move. It’s essentially spawn camping, and while it’s look down on in the community, it’s also hard to fault others for taking advantage of these easy kills.

One way that Infinity Ward could fix this problem would be by making players invincible for a few seconds after spawn. This is how other first-person shooters have handled it in the past, though this may cause some other problems as well. Due to how fast-paced Modern Warfare is, players could easily abuse their spawn invincibility to unfairly kill members on the enemy team or give themselves an advantage when claiming objectives.

It seems there is no obvious solution to the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare spawn problems on the Shoot House map, but hopefully Infinity Ward figures something out. In the meantime, the Shoot House spawns are far from the only thing that players have taken issue with in the game. Another major source of complaints has been the Skill Based Matchmaking system, which some feel has ruined the Call of Duty multiplayer experience for them.

For the uninitiated, Skill Based Matchmaking makes it so every game in Modern Warfare is basically ranked, as players will only be matched with those of a similar skill level. This creates some problems when players try to play with friends of a lesser-skill level, as they may be thrown into a match where they really stand no chance at winning or having fun. Fans have been very vocal about Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s SBMM, but Infinity Ward doesn’t seem interested in changing it.

Of course, Infinity Ward doesn’t have to go with the community on every single change. It’s possible that there are more advantages to Modern Warfare SBMM than disadvantages, and that is why Infinity Ward has decided to keep it in the game. Whatever the case may be, the studio is updating the Modern Warfare multiplayer experience on a weekly basis, so fans can expect plenty more changes in the months to come.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.