Season 1 for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare launched this week and with it came several changes. While the update did bring about new maps, weapons (that hopefully shoot as expected), and a season pass, it also brought the removal of the Shoot House 24/7 playlist, which had been a fan favorite since it launched in mid-November.

It’s only been gone for a few days, but the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare community’s outrage has been so incessant that developer Infinity Ward finally addressed the issue. Fortunately, they have good news for fans.

In a Reddit post on Modern Warfare’s subreddit, a user by the name of TBurnn demanded Infinity Ward bring back Shoot House 24/7 or else “the chicken gets it,” with a screenshot from the game of the player aiming at a chicken attached. Not wanting to see the poor bird’s life cut short, Infinity Ward’s co-design director of multiplayer Joe Cecot reassured the user that the playlist would be returning in a future update.

Click Reddit Post on Modern Warfare “the chicken gets it”.

The reason why so many Call of Duty: Modern Warfare players loved the Shoot House 24/7 playlist was it allowed players to exclusively play this map, which provided plenty of close-quarters combat and an overall higher level of action than most of the game’s larger maps, such as Grazna Raid and the massive Aniyah Palace.

The new update replaced Shoot House 24/7 with Crash 24/7, based on the popular map first introduced in the original Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Centered on a crashed helicopter in a desert town, this map made it’s debut in Season 1 of Modern Warfare and makes for fantastic team games, but isn’t exactly known for its close-quarters combat.

It’s also been confirmed that other classics Vacant and Shipment (also from Call of Duty 4) will be coming to Modern Warfare soon. Vacant is a deserted Russian office that should provide plenty of intense close-quarters fighting, as should Shipment, the tiny Russian shipyard with very few places for campers to hide.

Though Cecot did promise the fan-favorite playlist would return, he made no mention of when that future update would come. Hopefully, he doesn’t receive too many horrible messages from players demanding a solid answer. Until that update does come, CQC fans will have to wait patiently for the return of Shoot House 24/7 and make do with the similarly small Vacant and Shipment, whenever they drop.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is available for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Season 1 is out now and will end on January 28th.

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