Call of Duty: Modern Warfare has received mostly positive reviews since launch, but there’s always room for improvement. The game’s multiplayer component in particular has come under a lot of scrutiny, with fans coming up with ways that could possibly improve the experience. The latest suggestion comes from Reddit user Hsark2, who has come up with a clever way to improve the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare playlists.

Right now, the Call of Duty 4 maps Vacant and Shipment are grouped together in a single playlist called Season One Moshpit. However, Shipment and Vacant are two vastly different maps, and so it’s not surprising that fans of one may not be interested in playing on the other. Because of this, Modern Warfare players are backing out of multiplayer lobbies whenever the game is about to make them play Vacant or vice versa. Hsark2’s idea would fix this problem.

Hsark2’s idea is to have a playlist called Callback 24/7, and then another called Chaos 24/7. This would put the smaller-scale maps like Shipment and Shoot House together in a single playlist, whereas the slightly larger maps like Vacant and Crash could go into Callback 24/7. This makes sense as Shipment and Shoot House provide similar multiplayer experiences that are vastly different than some of the other maps in the game.

This seems like a smart solution to the problem, but it’s unclear if Infinity Ward would ever implement something like this. However, the studio has shown a willingness to experiment with the Modern Warfare playlists, for better or worse.

For example, Infinity Ward has been known to add and remove popular game modes from online multiplayer. It controversially replaced regular Gunfight with Gunfight OSP for a period of time, and also replaced the popular Shoot House 24/7 playlist with Crash 24/7. The backlash to the latter decision was so severe that Infinity Ward quickly reversed its decision, but it’s still made some changes to playlists and popular game modes since then.

Moving forward, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare fans have plenty of new content to look forward to in the popular first-person shooter. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Season One is promising new content on a weekly basis, and so there should be plenty to keep fans busy.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.