Back when Season One for the multiplayer of Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare was announced, the developer, Infinity Ward, stated that the team would stick to a weekly update schedule. Two weeks into Season One, Infinity Ward has released its second update.

With the 1.12 patch many changes were added into Call of Duty: Modern Warfare to improve the gaming experience, such as tweaks to the game’s audio. The most significant change to the gameplay, however, is that the update will change how specific guns operate in multiplayer.

The guns that will be affected by the games update are the .357 Snake Shot, Kar98k, EBR-14, and Mk2 Carbine. The official patch notes for the game indicated that the “hip spread” will be adjusted to stay consistent with other stances, while the Kar98k, EBR-14, and Mk2 Carbine will have a reduced flinch. The Kar98k will also see an update to the re-chamber time. After the update, players will be able to re-chamber at a quicker speed.

Unlike many changes made in patches, gun tweaks can have a drastic impact on gameplay. Usually when Call of Duty tweaks guns in patches it is because the developer wants to balance the weapons’ effectiveness in-game. The 1.12 update is not the first time Call of Duty: Modern Warfare has updated the guns. Previously, the Aug, 725, and Model 680 saw updates.

Along with the tweaks to the guns in the 1.12 patch, the company has added in new maps and playlists. The update will add in two fan favorite maps from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Shipment and Vacant, as well as add a winter-themed version of the map Docks. Most notably, the game’s update will also be adding back Gunfight in the playlist.

Activision and Infinity Ward’s dedication to Call of Duty; Modern Warfare seems to be appreciated by the fans of the series. Just recently, Activision announced that this iteration of the long running franchise is the most played Call of Duty on current generation hardware. The game has been out for less than two months, however, Activision stated that the game has already brought in a revenue of over $1 billion.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is available now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.