While Infinity Ward has worked fast to address many of the technical issues and bugs that have plagued the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare online multiplayer experience, issues continue to crop up. One bug that has been impacting some players of the game is a glitch on the Arklov Peak map that renders players completely blind, forcing them to either die and respawn or back out to the lobby.

Compared to other Modern Warfare glitches, this Arklov Peak glitch doesn’t appear to be quite as widespread. And while it is a huge inconvenience, it does seem to be fixed by dying and respawning, though that’s obviously not ideal. It’s not really clear what causes the glitch, though comments on the initial Reddit post showing it in action shows that it’s happened to more than one person.

It’s also not clear if the Modern Warfare Arklov Peak glitch is unique to the map or if it appears in some of the game’s other maps as well. Infinity Ward has yet to comment on the issue, so until then, fans will just have to keep an eye out for it.

The Arklov Peak blinding glitch is far from the only bug plaguing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. Players also have to contend with a glitch that spawns them in a rock on the Karst River Quarry Ground War map, and other glitches that can actually be exploited for unfair advantages. When it comes to live-service games like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, random technical issues like this are to be expected, but that doesn’t make them any less frustrating for fans.

One bug that has been plaguing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare for months is the player collision bug. Infinity Ward has acknowledged that the player collision issue in Modern Warfare was not added to the game by design, and it is working on a way to fix it. However, it’s unclear when a fix will be coming at the time of this writing.

Modern Warfare has a huge update coming on February 11, as the long-awaited Season 2 will kick off. Everything Modern Warfare Season 2 will entail is being kept under wraps for now, but we do know that it will at least be adding Simon “Ghost” Riley as a playable operator. Perhaps the Modern Warfare Season 2 update will include fixes for some of these lingering technical issues, but fans will just have to stay tuned to find out for sure.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.