Usually, when someone throws a grenade, something dies, but a new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare glitch causes the opposite to happen. As of this writing, players can revive themselves if they pick up and throw an enemy grenade. However, the new exploit doesn’t work in every game mode, as not all of them put players in a “downed” state.

For those unaware, a downed state substitutes death in some game modes (like Special Ops). It heavily reduces a player’s mobility, but still allows them to shoot, and interact with objects on the map – like grenades. Usually, players have to die or be revived by teammates to get out of being “downed,” but this grenade glitch gives them another option.

A Reddit post by ByteTheFox shows the glitch in action. While playing a mission in Special Ops, Byte finds himself placed in a downed state. When an enemy happens to lobe a grenade his way, he picks it up, throws it, and pops right back up onto his feet like he never suffered an injury in the first place. He then proceeds to revive two of his other downed teammates before jumping back into the thick of things.

Obviously, this exploit isn’t anything game-breaking; it’s a little too niche for that. Players don’t always throw grenades to finish off an enemy because, most of the time, it’s just easier to shoot them. Beyond that, no one tying to win a match will throw a grenade if they know it may only help their opponents get back up on their feet. Still, players can pull a few surprises on individuals that don’t know of the glitch. And unlike some other exploits in the game - like the ones that allow players to phase through the map - this one can turn out to be pretty funny, even if one finds themselves on the receiving end of it.

Where this glitch sits up on Infinity Ward’s list of priorities remains to be seen. But the developer set up a Trello board that players can visit to see what exactly it’s tweaking in Modern Warfare at any given time. Currently, Infinity Ward is working on fixing things like player collision, which most would agree takes precedence over a glitch like this. Still, Infinity Ward will get around to it eventually, so players should try to enjoy it while it lasts.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is available for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.