In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare multiplayer modes, there will be an equippable wristwatch with a Tamagotchi-like game, wherein the little creature lives and evolves as the player eliminates the competition. 

Speaking to The Daily Star at the multiplayer reveal event, studio art director Joel Emslie explained a bit more about the kooky accessory: ‘The wristwatches we have in the game… people have really picked up on that, and they’re curious to know more about how things are going to be developed with that.’

‘For example, we’ve got one we call the TomaGUNchi – it’s a Tamagotchi that feeds on kills. It’s a one-off we got creative with. I said to our engineers: “Can you make it so that whilst we’re playing and I get kills in multiplayer, it kinda lives and grows?”’

Just like in reality, parental duties to the bloodthirsty tyke will even extend to your downtime. Emslie added, ‘And it’ll ultimately sit on your Gunsmith workbench and you can see how it’s doing. So you can check in on it from time to time and think, “oh shit, I gotta feed the TomaGUNchi.”’

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will be a return to the serious elements of the series, and promises to be a realistic and authentic depiction of twenty-first century combat. However, Infinity Ward is known to indulge in their creative vibes from time to time, and I assume this is the same light-hearted attitude that put the chimpanzee astronaut in Black Ops 4, or described the chemical weapon white phosphorus as disorienting.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare launches for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC on October 25.