Call of Duty: Modern Warfare development is continuing going into 2020. Infinity Ward is confident and excited about the work its done so far with post-launch Modern Warfare, but it also has plans to improve. In Infinity Ward’s first “Community Update,” the studio details several upcoming features, known in-game issues that are being worked on, and it also delivers a promise. Infinity Ward will continue publishing community updates week-to-week on Fridays going forward in the name of transparency and communication.

To start, Infinity Ward details three big feature additions coming to Modern Warfare soon starting with a new Gunfight 3v3 playlist. Infinity Ward says it is happy with the 1v1 playlist that came out this week, so 3v3 is worth looking forward to. There are also plans for a Gunfight Tournament, as previously leaked. Infinity Ward says this has been in the works since the Gunfight Tournament in the beta, but the team had to fix some bugs and add in rewards before it could go ahead with it again. Finally, Infinity Ward says that more loadouts will be made available over the coming weeks.

As for known issues that Infinity Ward is tracking, the studio highlighted problems including flickering lighting across several maps, “mission collision” on containers on Cargo, Platinum skins not unlocking properly, Ground war exploits to go out of bounds, and glare during ADS with certain Platinum and Damascus camos.

To further keep players informed about ongoing issues, Infinity Ward revealed a public Trello board that will highlight bugs and progress towards their fixes. There are 20 different issues in various states of being fixed listed on the Trello board right now, just so players know Infinity Ward is working on a variety of known bugs. The board also clarifies that the Trello doesn’t include everything Infinity Ward is working on, but is just a way to convey easily communicated known issues.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is available now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.