By and large, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is a pretty straightforward game. When things can get as fast-paced and hectic as it tends to get here, it helps to keep the various nuances simple and clear enough that players can see them and quickly understand what they’re all about. That’s why it’s so interesting that players are just starting to notice a useful feature of Modern Warfare’s Cyber Attack mode, because it’s been hiding in plain sight for months.

As a refresher, Cyber Attack was among the brand new modes that were included in Modern Warfare back when the game launched in October. A lives-based mode like Search and Destroy and Reinforce, the mode has teams of players fighting to gain control of a bomb and using it to destroy the data center located in each team’s base.

Having been introduced to the franchise with this game, it’s understandable that many players are still learning all of the things they can do in Cyber Attack, but as it turns out, one very helpful feature has been staring bomb-carrying players in the face this whole time. When holding the bomb, Reddit user Sakar911 realized this week that it comes with a UAV and Heartbeat Sensor built into it, enabling it to alert the bomb-carrier to approaching enemies before they come into view.

This might seem like a no-brainer to observant players, and naturally plenty have already figured this out for themselves, but the responses to Sakar911’s post make it evident that this part of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare wasn’t common knowledge beforehand. Of these, many came from people expressing amazement at not knowing about this, and the post’s most upvoted response was simply another Reddit user stating that they’re going to have to try it out for themselves.

At the end of the day, this probably won’t radically shake up how players play Cyber Attack, or draw them back to it if they’ve moved on to Modern Warfare’s newest modes, but it should encourage players who were previously nervous about carrying the bomb. And for players who’ve wondered how the bomb-carrier seems to know when they’re coming, even when they’re being stealthy, they now have their answer.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.