Since launch, players have been somewhat divided over Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. While reviews and feedback of the game have been mostly positive thus far, Modern Warfare has had its fair share of issues, with a bevy of weapon exploits and balance issues popping up. However, the issue of players breaking map geometry has worsened lately, and it continues to spike.

Recently, players have taken to exploiting a variety of maps as a way to pad their Combat Record and farm nukes, one of Modern Warfare’s killstreaks. Videos of players committing the act have been popping up online, with the game’s subreddit featuring quite a few incidents. It’s a major problem for the game, as players are essentially defenseless from any players using the exploit.

So far, the issue seems to be affecting Ground War maps in particular, as the larger size and greater freedom allow players more ways to break into the level geometry. A video showing a player glitched under a building’s floorboards in Port of Verdansk has been circulating lately, showing just how severe the issue can be. Ground War maps aren’t alone either, Modern Warfare players have been exploiting Shipment in a similar manner.

It’s unclear how long it will take Infinity Ward to fix the issue. The developer has regularly been issuing patches for Modern Warfare, but there are still some pretty big problems in the game. Some changes haven’t been the most popular, either. It appears that Modern Warfare made a stealthy change to one aspect of multiplayer, allowing players on the same team to push one another.

It’s disappointing to see such major issues plague Modern Warfare. That aside, there is still fresh content coming to the game, which may include the changes that fans want to see along with it. Players think they may have discovered Modern Warfare’s battle royale map, which would be a step in the right direction as far as new content goes. After all, Blackout was one of the more popular aspects of Black Ops 4, and there is a demographic of Call of Duty fans that would love to see the mode return.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.