Call of Duty: Modern Warfare just began its second season of content earlier this week. Season 2 brought with it new maps for multiplayer, Ground War, and Gunfight, as well as new weapons and even a new Operator. Those are just the big additions to the game, though. There have also been plenty of smaller changes to the game. Some of those changes even slip by Infinity Ward’s patch notes, so Modern Warfare players can find them later. That’s the case for a surprisingly gory new feature.

This gory new feature may have missed the patch notes, but players caught on to addition with impressive quickness. That’s because the new feature is very in-your-face. The new feature adds decapitations or dismemberment to some Killstreak executions. The example that’s getting a lot of attention online features the 8-kill VTOL Killstreak. After dropping an initial barrage of missiles, the hovering jet then provides defensive support.

The player in the short video clip is killed by the VTOL Killstreak’s gunfire. As is readily apparent, the player’s head explodes from the weapon upon the player’s death. This is an entirely new feature in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Season 2. Dying to a VTOL’s gunfire in Season 1 resulted in a much more straight forward death.

It’s not entirely clear how many Killstreaks have been upgraded with the new gory feature. Previously, “Dismemberment” was reserved for Modern Warfare’s campaign and was kept out of multiplayer.

For those who might not be into the kind of extreme goriness that Modern Warfare might be bringing into multiplayer, there are options to turn it off.

There’s a ton of great new content available in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Season 2 and the new gore feature should only make it better for players who prefer it. Why Infinity Ward decided to introduce the feature now rather than with the game’s launch hasn’t been said. Perhaps Infinity Ward is preparing for something. Or perhaps Infinity Ward just didn’t know it had missed it. Either way, players now have a choice.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is available now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.