Call of Duty: Modern Warfare has recently been updated with the new Shoot the Ship playlist that lets fans play on two of the first-person shooter’s most popular maps, Shipment and Shoot House. Unfortunately, some Call of Duty: Modern Warfare players have decided to take advantage of glitches and exploits on these maps to gain an unfair advantage over others, particularly when it comes to Shipment.

Reddit user GloriousRock has posted a video showing a Call of Duty: Modern Warfare player cheating on Shipment by glitching out of bounds. It’s unclear exactly how the exploit is done at the time of this writing, but it allows players to glitch beyond the fence that surrounds the map. They are still able to shoot into the map and kill people, but they are essentially invincible during this time.

Shoot House has its own problems when it comes to glitching that are well-documented. For example, there’s one rather notorious Shoot House glitch where Call of Duty: Modern Warfare players glitch underneath the map and can shoot up at enemies with no worry of getting killed themselves.

Beyond glitches, both Shoot House and Shipment suffer from one other major problem. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s spawn system makes playing on Shoot House and Shipment at nightmare at times, as players can easily exploit the spawns to spawn camp. In Shipment’s case, the map is so small that it’s not uncommon for players to spawn and die repeatedly before they even have a chance to move the camera, let alone fire back.

It’s unclear if Infinity Ward has any plans to combat these issues. Presumably, the more serious glitches will be patched out in future Call of Duty: Modern Warfare updates, but no specific plan has been released in regards to tackling the spawn issues. It’s possible that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare fans will just have to live with the spawns the way they are when it comes to the smaller maps like Shipment and Shoot House.

On the bright side, cheating on Shipment and Shoot House isn’t all that rampant in our own testing, and so most players should be able to play the Shoot the Ship playlist without too much of a headache.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.