Much has been said about Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s online multiplayer, especially in regards to various technical issues and glitches that have plagued it since launch. Not much attention has been given to how Call of Duty: Modern Warfare performs in split-screen, but the game has its fair share of problems there as well. In fact, some Call of Duty: Modern Warfare players are experiencing an issue in split-screen where the image on the top of the screen is constantly flickering and glitching out.

This problem seems to happen most commonly on the Call of Duty 4 map Shipment, but we can confirm from our own testing that it happens on other maps as well. The Call of Duty: Modern Warfare split-screen flickering issue also seems to occur the most in the 2v2 Gunfight game mode than other match types, but it can seemingly happen under any conditions in split-screen.

The Call of Duty: Modern Warfare split-screen issues can completely ruin the game for the first player, especially in highly competitive modes like Gunfight. For those who have been dealing with it, it makes it so they can’t really play Call of Duty: Modern Warfare split-screen at all.

The number of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare players who use split-screen is likely far less than the people who don’t, and so it’s not surprising that this issue hasn’t been addressed yet. It’s possible Infinity Ward isn’t even aware of it. But now that it’s getting more visibility, maybe the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare split-screen flickering issues will be resolved in a future update for the game.

Infinity Ward has been releasing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare updates on a weekly basis throughout Season One, often adding new game modes, playlists, maps, and more on top of bug fixes and balance changes. Considering this, it’s possible that a fix for the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare split-screen flickering issues will come sooner rather than later.

No details have been released so far for the next Call of Duty: Modern Warfare update, so it’s hard to say exactly when it will drop and what it will entail. Fans will just have to stay tuned for more information.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.