Call of Duty: Modern Warfare developers Infinity Ward have promised to improve communication between itself and fans. Weekly community updates have been a part of this effort, with Infinity Ward using such updates to recount the past week’s events as well as tease what’s to come in the future. The latest Call of Duty: Modern Warfare community update focuses on next week, which will see the addition of new playlists for fans to enjoy.

Next week’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare playlist update will apparently include a 2v2 version of Grind. For the uninitiated, Grind is a twist on Kill Confirmed that combines it with Hardpoint. Like in Kill Confirmed, Grind requires players to kill enemies to collect dogtags, but the difference is that the dogtags have to be delivered to a specific point on the map. 2v2 Grind will presumably take place on the smaller-scale Gunfight maps, and could be especially intense.

Beyond a 2v2 version of Grind, next week’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare playlist update will also include two 24/7 playlists. Infinity Ward has teased in the new community update that Modern Warfare will retain Shipment 24/7 next week, but it will also add the Shoot House 24/7 playlist. Despite Shipment’s spawn issues, it remains one of the most popular maps in the game, so the community will no doubt be pleased that it’s keeping its 24/7 playlist.

Modern Warfare players also have some XP events to look forward to next week, including double XP, double weapon XP, and double tiers. This should go a long way in helping players complete the Modern Warfare Battle Pass, which is great news for those who have yet to do so, as time is running out.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Season One is ending on February 11, meaning next week’s playlist update will be the last one before the end of the first season. Players have about 10 days to complete the Season One Battle Pass, so those interested will definitely want to take advantage of the double XP, double weapon XP, and double tiers coming next week.

It’s unclear if the end of Modern Warfare Season One will mean the start of Season Two, but more information should come sooner rather than later. It’s possible that there will be a break between the seasons, but it’s just as likely that Season Two will start right away. Fans will have to stay tuned to find out.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

Source: Infinity Ward