Since fall damage exists in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, jumping unprepared out of a multi-story building understandably leads to a swift death. However, one of Modern Warfare’s latest glitches allows players to not only survive such lethal leaps but take no damage at all in the process.

To pull the glitch off, players will need their trusty tactical stims – an object that replenishes health after taking damage. The stim seemed to save Redditor grkbond’s life when he used it after jumping out of the window of a tall building without his parachute in the middle of a Ground War match.

It should be noted, grkbond was planning on using his parachute when he decided to throw himself out of the window. It’s just that events didn’t play out the way he intended. Mid-leap, grkbond found himself shot. Consequently, his fingers instinctively input the command to use his stim, despite his brain screaming to use his parachute. As a result, grkbond healed his nonlethal bullet wound while still experiencing his very lethal fall. However, instead of going “splat” upon hitting the ground, grkbond landed without a scratch. He attributed his survival to his stim since he was using it in the middle of his fall.

However, what exactly caused grkbond to survive in Modern Warfare remains a mystery. Some of the commentators on grkbond’s post think that grkbond landed on a trash heap and that that’s the reason he didn’t die upon impact. Others think it might be something a little more complicated, such as the grkbond bouncing off the corner of the building at just the right time and angle, which effectively negated the damage he should have taken. Grkbond actually tried to replicate the glitch at least three more times and died with every attempt.

In other words, it’s hard to say what exactly causes the glitch to happen. Thankfully, this makes it one of the more minor glitches in Modern Warfare, and not another one players have to worry about being unfairly exploited, like the one that allows them to glitch out of Piccadilly for free kills. Players may even be able to have a little fun testing the glitch out for themselves to see if they can get it to work consistently. It could give them an alternative and funny way to survive leaping off of towering heights if that’s how they usually transverse Ground War maps with such features.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.