Call of Duty: Modern Warfare receives updates on a regular basis, with a new one rolling out on January 11. The Call of Duty: Modern Warfare January 11 update doesn’t add any new content to the game, but it does address some lingering bugs as well as tweaks the way the Infected match type works.

After downloading the latest Call of Duty: Modern Warfare update, players will no longer worry about some glitched spots on the Karst River Quarry Ground War map. The update also fixes a bug with the Recon Drone challenge not tracking. Beyond that, Modern Warfare has fixed a Trials match issue that would let players spend more tickets than was necessary.

As far as the Infected change goes, the new Modern Warfare update has made a tweak so that the survivors have things a little easier. After nine players have been infected, they will no longer start with a throwing knife after using a Tac Insert. This will prevent players from constantly spamming survivors at the same location and just throwing knives at them until they get a lucky shot. It should be noted that this isn’t the first time that Infinity Ward has changed this aspect of Infected, and it’s possible that this new update won’t be the end of it either.

Since the Infected match type was introduced, Modern Warfare has changed the way throwing knives and Tac Inserts have worked multiple times. It seems Infinity Ward is trying to find the right balance to ensure that both the infected players and the survivors stand a reasonable chance at winning any given match.

Moving forward, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare fans can expect updates to keep releasing for the popular first-person shooter on a regular basis. In fact, Infinity Ward has announced plans to start doing weekly community updates to keep players informed of what’s coming next. In the near future, this will include 3v3 Gunfight, not to mention the start of Season Two, which should bring with it new maps, game modes, and much more.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare January 11 Patch Notes

Fixes to a few glitch spots on Karst River Quarry that requires vehicles to access

Fixed a bug that was preventing the “Mark 25 Enemies Using the Recon Drone” challenge from tracking properly

When using a Trial Ticket to activate a Trials match, users could spend more tickets than required and lose unconsumed tickets. This has been fixed.

If more than 9 players are Infected, the player will not have a throwing knife available after using a Tac Insert

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.