The big news from the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare March 10 update is the addition of the long-awaited Warzone battle royale. However, the update also included a number of changes to the standard Call of Duty: Modern Warfare game, with many aimed at its multiplayer experience. One change made in the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare March 10 update didn’t seem to be that big of a deal on the surface, but it’s actually a rather significant change in the grand scheme of things.

The Modern Warfare March 10 update has given players the option to change their mini-map from a circle to a square. According to fan estimations, the square shape mini-map actually shows 21.5% more of the map than the circle shape. Theoretically, this could give Modern Warfare players who use the square mini-map over the round mini-map an unfair advantage. With that in mind, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare players may want to swap to the square mini-map as soon as possible.

Changing from the circle mini-map to the square mini-map in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is easy enough. All players have to do is go to the Options menu, the General tab, and then go to the HUD section. From there, the next step is just changing the Modern Warfare mini-map shape from circle to square.

It’s unclear if Infinity Ward realized that making the Modern Warfare mini-map square would reveal such a larger portion of the mini-map. Considering this, it’s possible that Infinity Ward will change the default so that it’s square for everyone unless they go in and change it manually. Alternatively, Infinity Ward may release an update so that both maps cover the same area.

This wouldn’t be the first time that Infinity Ward accidentally implemented something in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. For example, a past Modern Warfare update made it so player collision was activated for teammates. Infinity Ward made no mention of this in the patch notes, and it was later revealed that friendly player collision in Modern Warfare was a bug as opposed to a purposeful feature.

It’s likely that Infinity Ward will address the Modern Warfare square mini-map issue with a future update. The studio releases Call of Duty: Modern Warfare updates on a weekly basis, so fans may not even have to wait very long for a fix to be released. In the meantime, it may be best for players to swap to the square mini-map.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

Source: Dexerto