In June, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 was revealed worldwide. We welcomed back the familiar faces of Task Force 141, with Captain Price leading the squad. A day later, we got a peek at some gameplay during the Summer Game Fest which showcased a campaign mission. So far, we haven’t heard much official news about multiplayer or the future of Call of Duty: Warzone. Mostly, fans have been feeding off leaks about a DMZ mode, potential maps, and more. That will soon change, as a Call of Duty Next event is just around the corner to provide more information.

During the Call of Duty League stream on Championship Sunday, Infinity Ward announced the Call of Duty Next event which is set to take place on September 15. Let’s dive straight into what the event will entail.


Learn more about the future of the franchise with the Call of Duty Next event

As the name suggests, the Call of Duty Next event will detail what is next for the franchise. The event will include a full Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer reveal, with streamers at the event playing the upcoming game. Also, the event will go beyond this and we will learn about Call of Duty: Warzone 2 and the mobile version of the battle royale. If that wasn’t enough, we are promised more surprises and to keep an eye out for more opportunities to earn an early access beta code.

Infinity Ward has also revealed when the Modern Warfare 2 beta will take place on each platform and gave us a glimpse of a multiplayer map. Known as Marina Bay Grand Prix, the 6v6 map is set on a racing track and it even has moving cars. However, the beta will go beyond this core 6v6 experience and offer a variety of maps and game modes.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will launch on October 28 on and Steam.