We can all sleep at night now that various minds behind the Call of Duty franchise confirmed that there will be no subscription model of the game.

With their crosshairs locked onto the rumor, Activision, Infinity Ward and Treyarch released statements negating that there will be a subscription to play online multiplayer in current and future Call of Duty titles.

The biggest influx of the rumor was caused by a video on YouTube showing an Xbox Live menu referencing Modern Warfare 2 and subscription model options.

This video, which is embedded below, proved to be the main reason for the three companies behind the IP to speak up.


Dan Amrich, from Activision, got right to the point in a blog post referencing the video itself:

Infinity Ward’s Robert Bowling also spoke up regarding the rumor, initially on Twitter:

“There’s a video that made the rounds today of a 360 player getting a glitchy, incomplete message that uses the phrase “Modern Warfare 2” and half the word membership”

“This video shows just a glitch - since you can access a Live subscription renewal from within the MW2 game interface, it appears some data got jammed between the two parts of Live. It’s not a secret portal to some nefarious plot to charge people for COD multiplayer - and there are no plans to do that.”

He also reiterated his tweet in a blog post, elaborating that there will be no subscription:

“Nobody has to pay to play COD or MW2 multiplayer, nor will they.”

To complete the trifecta of statements is Treyarch’s community manager, Josh Olin, who also used Twitter to get the word out:

“To be clear: There is not, and will never be, additional fees required to subscribe and play Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer.”

So, there you have it Ranters. Stop filling out that credit card application because you can keep building that Prestige without shelling out a monthly fee.

“No, you will not have to ‘Pay to Play’ #CODBlackOps Multiplayer either. Rumor -> Squashed.”

What are your thoughts on subscription-based gaming? What would you like to see changed in the Call of Duty franchise?

Source: CVG