Players of Call of Duty Vanguard have come across a bug in the game’s blueprint. The said bug results in players being stopped from using the game’s blueprints. You will most likely come across this bug inside the Identify of Obligation. If you are one of those who are facing this problem and are looking for a solution, you need not look any further than this guide. Here, we will show you exactly how you can fix this bug and continue enjoying the game.

How to Fix Blueprint Bug in Call of Duty Vanguard?

Check for Updates

Make sure your game is at its latest playable version. If it isn’t, go and download any updates. Doing so can help patch any bugs and errors that may have existed in the past.

Restart Call of Duty Vanguard

One of the first steps you can take during the occurrence of this bug is to simply restart Call of Duty Vanguard. Once you do so, try to relaunch the game and see if the issue still persists. If it does, keep reading for other solutions.

Restart the System

Another simple step to tackle the Blueprint bug is to just restart your system or console. Once you do so, open COD Vanguard and try to use blueprints again.

Uninstall the Game

If all else fails, simply uninstall the game and then re-install it again. While this process is quite tedious, it might just do the trick. Also, before you proceed with this step, make sure to have backups for your progress. In such situations, the last thing you want is a loss of important data and game progress.

These are the possible solutions to the Blueprint bug in Call of Duty Vanguard. As you can see, since this bug even affects players of the Final Version, it is clear that it will most likely be fixed by the developers. Because of this, you can expect a patch or an update in the near future.

Now that you know how to fix this bug, check out our guide on how to fix Packet Burst in COD Vanguard.