Back in January, Activision released a statement promising to improve the state of Vanguard, along with other recent Call of Duty titles. It is no surprise that another round of bug and stability fixes have been deployed with a Vanguard multiplayer and Zombies mode patch. Let’s dive straight into the details.

There are a good amount of changes, but nothing you should lose your head over. One of the many fixes include issues with operators who could appear invisible during the MVP screen. Along with that, their heads could disappear when using a Combat Shield and Akimbo Weapons. Invisible players have been problem in the past. Hopefully, this change leads to the end of invisible — as well as headless — operators causing chaos around Vanguard. In addition, your progression will now display accurately on your rank in the multiplayer menu. If you have cross-play disabled, you will now be able to access your Armory.


Improvements extend to Zombies and ranked play

There are plenty other changes for the online modes. Fixes have been made in ranked play which stopped some players from being placed on a ladder after finishing their placement matches. In Search and Destroy, bomb timers will now always be shown on the HUD.

Headless operators are out, but Treyarch had a part to play in the new Vanguard stability patch. With Zombies, a problem causing players to be kicked from a match when reviving a teammate using melee and tactical items has been patched. More stability fixes have been made when inspecting the Decimator Shield or Ray Gun.

It is promising to see the developers continuing to improve the state of the game by rolling out Vanguard stability patches. However, there is still a long way to go, and some may argue that this patch does not go far enough. We can expect more updates to roll out in the near future. To keep up with the bugs and glitches that are still being worked on, take a look on at the Vanguard Trello Board.