If you have played Call of Duty: Vanguard lately, it is likely that you have come across some many gameplay issues. Recently, Activision shared a statement with the community promising to fix the game. Since then, the developer has been making due with the promise, delivering on multiple patches. Just five days after a patch adjusting perks and spawns, another has arrived. The latest update focuses on bug fixes in the Vanguard campaign to make the single player mode a smoother experience.

The first fix has been made to Stalingrad, which is the third mission in the campaign. The death loop you can get trapped in if you take too long to get the sewer has been addressed. Also, it repairs a problem in which games would freeze and crash when some players shot at an enemy in the Operation Tonga field. In terms of progression, you can now unlock the Ticket Please achievement. Finally, a progression blocker which caused Misha to be unresponsive is now working as intended.


More multiplayer issues are being resolved

Moving away from the campaign, a couple of bugs in multiplayer have been fixed in the Vanguard update. An issue which caused crashing during the MVP voting screen has been squashed. Finally, a glitch which caused enemy nameplates to sometimes not appear above opponents should hopefully no longer be a concern.

It is promising to see the developers roll out regular updates to combat bugs across the Vanguard campaign and multiplayer. Season Two of Call of Duty: Vanguard and Warzone Pacific has been delayed in favor of improving the state of the game. Therefore, we should expect more updates to continue to be deployed in the near future. To keep an eye on the bugs and glitches that Sledgehammer are working on, you can pay a visit to the Vanguard Trello Board.