So far, Call of Duty: Warzone appears to have been received positively by the Call of Duty community. However, the game is not without its critics, with one of the main complaints being the lack of team size options. At launch, Call of Duty: Warzone is limited to three-player squads, but it seems like that could change in a future update.

In a recent interview with USA Today, Infinity Ward co-head Patrick Kelly explained that the studio is already “playing with” four-player and five-player squads. Right now, the Warzone player count is 150, so it seems like that would need to be adjusted if four-player squads was ever implemented, but regardless, it’s reassuring to know that the studio is already working on more team size options.

It was also pointed out that Call of Duty: Warzone players can technically play alone or with just one other partner if they so wish, so they’re not forced to play on teams with strangers. Warzone’s solo and duos options aren’t really ideal, though, because everyone else in the match can still have a three-player squad and therefore have a significant advantage and much better chance to win the match.

As for why Call of Duty: Warzone decided to launch with just three-player squads, it has to do with matchmaking and testing that was done at Infinity Ward prior to launch. Infinity Ward’s testing showed that the Warzone three-player squads worked “really well” when compared to other team sizes. This allowed for a relatively smooth Call of Duty: Warzone launch, when many other online multiplayer games would have been nigh unplayable.

There will likely be much more added to Call of Duty: Warzone in future updates besides just player size options. The game is already experimenting with different types of battle royale modes, having launch with a standard battle royale experience and a mode called Plunder. It also wouldn’t be a shock to see Warzone add new weapons or items or even making changes to its map.

With the game having just recently launched, it’s likely a little too early to already be talking about Warzone map changes. For now, fans of the game should focus on learning the existing map and refining their strategies.

Call of Duty: Warzone is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

Source: USA Today