Call of Duty: Warzone is a free-to-play battle royale developed by Infinity Ward. It takes the gunplay and mechanics from Modern Warfare and places them into the wilderness of Verdansk. You and your squad are tasked with evading the gas and taking down enemies one by one, in a mission to become the last man standing. Victory depends on picking the right equipment, making the right decisions, and knowing what to do. That’s where you’ll be needing our guides. I’m going to teach you how to become the best Warzone player possible.

Call of Duty: Warzone guides hub

General tips

A beginner’s guide to survival – So you’re just starting out and don’t know where to begin? Check out this guide to learn the basics and improve your chances of reaching the end-game, even as a beginner.

How to dominate the Gulag – Death isn’t ideal, but it’s going to happen. Thankfully, Warzone provides a way for players to force their way back into the fight. This guide will teach you how to make sure you’re the one who gets to leave the Gulag.

Weapon mounting guide – When trying to hit those long-range shots it can be difficult. Learn how to properly mount and mow enemies down from a distance without having to worry about recoil with this guide.

Are controllers viable on PC? – This is the first year PC players have the choice to pick between mouse and keyboard or a controller with aim assist. Is it a viable choice or are you better off just sticking with what you know best?

Extremely useful parkour spots you need to know – There is nothing worse than getting stuck on one of Verdansk’s many cursed rocks. Use this guide to figure out how to traverse Warzone better and not get caught out by the zone.

In-depth Buy Station guide – With so many different options to pick from, Buy Stations can get confusing. Should I buy a UAV or more armor? What’s the difference between a Precision Airstrike or a Cluster Strike? This guide will teach you what to buy and when to buy it.

Call of Duty: Warzone Contracts Guide – Contracts are extremely powerful utility tools that you’ll come across in every game. Learn how to use them, when to use them, and why they are so important in this guide.

Tips to help you get a victory in Armored Royale – The goal of battle royale games is usually to keep yourself alive. But what if instead, you had to keep your mode of transport alive instead. This guide will help you win Armored Royale and get your truck across the finish line.

How to get a Juggernaut suit in the Warzone bunkers – One of the most powerful tools a team can get their hands on is the juggernaut suit. Having one will provide you with thousands of health and a devastatingly powerful mini-gun. Here’s how to get your hands on one.

How to improve your aim and mechanical skill – Having good game sense is important but it’s all for nothing if you can’t land your shots. Here’s what you should be doing to improve your aim and elevate your mechanical skill to the next level.

Call of Duty: Warzone – The best drop locations – Knowing the best places to land in Verdansk is necessary to get consistent wins. Here’s our guide on where you should go based on your preferred playstyle.

The worst guns in Warzone that players still insist on using – Some players just can’t let go of their old loadouts. But with Season Two well underway it’s time to ditch these out-of-date guns.

The most underrated guns in Call of Duty: Warzone Season Two – Some guns don’t get the appreciation they should. Here are the most underrated guns that deserve to see more usage in Season 2.

How to get your personalized summary for Warzone’s one year anniversary – Warzone‘s first anniversary is among us and to celebrate you can now get a personalized summary to see how you’ve performed.

How to get the Foresight killstreak and earn easy Warzone wins – A new purchasable streak just released and it’s incredibly broken. For just $20,000 you can now find out where every future zone in the game is going to be.

How to unlock the Bombardment killstreak in Warzone – Alongside the broken Foresight streak, Raven has also given us Bombardment. It may not be quite as strong but it’s still fun to rain down destruction onto any unfortunate enemies.

Is affected FOV worth using in Call of Duty: Warzone? – In Warzone there is a setting known as affected FOV. When enabled it can completely change how you play the game. But is it actually worth using? Here’s our answer.

How Nvidia Filters can vastly improve visibility in Warzone – Visibility has always been an issue in Warzone. Modern Warfare‘s fancy engine may be realistic, but it doesn’t always provide the best visibility. However, with these settings it’s possible to fix that.

How to fix Warzone’s friends list bug not showing players online – Since day one of Modern Warfare there has been an issue where friends sometimes don’t appear on your friend’s list. There is a work around though to help alleviate this frustrating bug.


Meta breakdowns

The best perks for your loadout – It’s likely that you’ll end up buying a loadout in every Warzone game you play. Because of this, it’s important you make the most of them and their best unique selling points, perks. This guide details which of Warzone‘s eighteen perks you want to use and avoid.

The best guns for your loadout – What are the best weapons to take for your loadout? Chances are, you’ll try nearly every one of Warzone‘s guns. But which are the most ideal for you to take into battle? This gun guide will help you choose the best, from long-range rifles to weapons for close-quarters combat.

Which sniper rifle you should be using – In Warzone there are plenty of DMRs and snipers to pick from. It can get confusing when trying to figure out which is your best option. This guide breaks down each sniper and why you should be using them.

Which launcher is best for blowing stuff up – With the fall of the pistol meta it’s now the time for launchers to shine. Use this guide to figure out what launcher you should be using and when the best time to use them is.

Best guns after the Grau nerf – With the laser beam Grau finally nerfed Warzone has a vacant throne for the new best gun in town. Here are my five best primary weapons to use in the post-Grau meta.

Don’t sleep on the Origin-12 – Shotguns have had a rough time in Warzone ever since their one-shot kill ability was nerfed into the floor early on. However, there is still one that stands above the rest and is be surprisingly viable.

Best guns to use after the Bruen nerf – The Bruen meta is finally over but when one king falls, another rises in its place. These are the new best guns to use post-Bruen meta.

The best guns to use in Warzone solos – PC Invasion – Warzone solos play differently from regular Warzone. Thanks to the focus on one versus one gunfights, certain weapons enter the meta that you would normally not expect to see.

The guns most in need of a buff in Call of Duty: Warzone Season Three – As we pray that Season Three provides a healthier meta for Warzone, it’s clear that some guns need to be buffed. Here are the weapons I think need some love the most.

The guns in need of a nerf in Call of Duty: Warzone Season Three – Season Two has not provided a great experience for many players. Some of the Cold War guns are completely overtuned and need to be addressed before the start of Season Three.

The best guns to use in Call of Duty: Warzone Season 3 – Season Three is here and I’m glad to say that it’s a significant improvement over last season. With the AUG and FFAR nerfed, the new meta is more diverse than ever.

Gun guides

Assault rifles

The no recoil Kilo 141 build – Laser beam accurate rifles tend to be strong in Warzone and arguably none have been as consistently strong as the Kilo 141. Here’s our recommended build that is about as accurate as a gun can get.

The best CR-56 AMAX loadout – Versatility is an unmatched tool in Warzone. Although Overkill can help cover a gun’s weaknesses, having a rounded primary that can flex to any situation is extremely useful. And if it’s versatility you want, the AMAX can do just about everything.

The best AS VAL class to use – The AS Val has been causing a storm on multiplayer where it is arguably the best gun in Modern Warfare. However, it turns out that it’s no slouch on Warzone either. Here’s our recommended build.

The best Call of Duty: Warzone Groza assault rifle class – Occasionally, the developers put a gun in Warzone that has you questioning “What were they thinking?” And when the Groza was revealed to be an assault rifle that could outgun most submachine guns up close, that’s what most players thought of it. Still, it’s a great weapon and you may as well take advantage of it.

The best Call of Duty: Warzone Krig 6 assault rifle class – Not everyone wants to be a meta slave. Sometimes it’s fun to try off-meta weapons that can be powerful in their own niche. The Krig 6 slots into that role nicely as a well-rounded, viable assault rifle.

The best FFAR 1 class to use in Call of Duty: Warzone – At launch, the FFAR1 was one of Black Ops Cold War‘s best weapons. But shortly after it got a nerf and fell into obscurity. However, Raven Software didn’t get that memo and left it alone. The result? The FFAR 1 is a devasting, top-tier choice in Warzone.

The best Call of Duty: Warzone XM4 assault rifle class – It wouldn’t be a Call of Duty game without some kind of M4 making an appearance. And with the addition of the Cold War guns into Warzone, a new M4 follows suit. Here’s how to get the most out of it.

The best Call of Duty: Warzone AK-47 assault rifle class – You can’t go wrong with a good old-fashioned Kalashnikov. Here’s how to get the most out of Hollywood’s favorite rifle.

The best Call of Duty: Warzone QBZ-83 assault rifle class – One of the largest downsides to running an assault rifle is the loss of mobility compared to a submachine gun. But the QBZ-83 has SMG-like mobility with assault rifle levels of damage and range. Could this be the next big thing in Warzone?

The best Call of Duty: Warzone RAM-7 assault rifle class – Although Warzone tends to favor the laser-accurate rifles, there is a niche for hard-hitting ARs too. If you can figure out its recoil pattern, the RAM-7 has a good enough time to kill to contend with just about anything.

The best Call of Duty: Warzone FARA 83 assault rifle class – Mid-range specialty weapons don’t tend to be overly popular in Warzone but if you play with them right, the wins will start coming. And if it’s mid-range dominance that you’re looking for, the FARA 83 is well worth trying out.

Best low recoil M4A1 build for Call of Duty: Warzone – Of all the rifles in Warzone arguably none are as reliable as the good ol’ M4A1. This veteran AR has appeared in every Modern Warfare title and is a seriously strong option for Warzone too.

The best laser accurate M13 build for Call of Duty: Warzone – Recoil can be a pain to manage when trying to hit shots from afar. But with this M13 build, you won’t even have to worry about recoil at all.

The best no recoil Grau 5.56 build in Call of Duty: Warzone – Once the king of Warzone, the Grau has since fallen out of favor with other higher damage rifles taking its place. However, this laser-accurate AR is still terrifying in the right hands.

Submachine guns

The best Call of Duty: Warzone AK-74u submachine gun class – Every good Warzone class needs a strong SMG to accompany it. Most people opt for the MP5 or Bullfrog, but you shouldn’t sleep on the AK-74u.

The best Black Ops Cold War MP5 class to use in Warzone – Modern Warfare‘s MP5 has been present in the Warzone meta for as long as I can remember. But can the new Cold War version replace it?

The best Call of Duty: Warzone Bullfrog submachine gun class – When building a gun for trios or quads, you usually have to use up an attachment slot on expanding its magazine size. But what if there was a strong SMG with a huge magazine fitted by default? Well, then you’d be building a Bullfrog loadout.

The best Call of Duty: Warzone Milano 821 submachine gun class – Even though having a good damage profile is important, it’s the accurate guns that dominate Verdansk. And if it’s accuracy that you’re looking for, the Milano 821 is a great choice.

The best Call of Duty: Warzone Mac 10 submachine gun class – The first season of Black Ops Cold War has arrived and how better to celebrate it by releasing an overpowered submachinegun. Here’s our recommended Mac 10 build.

The best Call of Duty: Warzone KSP 45 submachine gun class – Looking to try out a less popular SMG that can still shred in the right hands? Then the KSP 45 might be the gun for you.

How to Unlock the CX-9 in Call of Duty: Warzone before Season 2 begins – Do you remember the Skorpion EVO from Black Ops 2? It’s been a while, but the fan-favorite SMG is coming to Modern Warfare, and here’s how you can unlock it early.

The best Call of Duty: Warzone LC10 submachine gun class – The Season 2 nerfs have left many of Cold War‘s guns in a rough state, but first impressions suggest that the new LC10 is ready to compete from the get-go.

The best Modern Warfare MP5 build for Call of Duty: Warzone – The MP5 has been at the forefront of the Warzone meta for almost a year now. It’s about time we showed it the love it deserves and gave it a gun guide.

The most versatile MP7 build for Call of Duty: Warzone – Most SMGs are specialist weapons that only work at close range. However, the MP7 is an exception to that rule and can easily serve as both your close-range and long-range gun all at once.

The best Call of Duty: Warzone P90 submachine gun class– Few SMGs are quite as iconic as the P90. This top-loading bullet hose provides excellent suppression and is far better than you think.

The best Call of Duty: Warzone PPSh-41 submachine gun class – Russia’s answer to the Tommy gun. The PPSH is one of the most iconic World War II guns there is and now you can use it in Warzone.

The best Call of Duty: Warzone Uzi submachine gun class – Considered one of the most reliable SMGs in production, the Israeli Uzi is a cult classic. And if built right, it can be just as impressive in Warzone too.


The best Call of Duty: Warzone R9-0 shotgun classes – With the damage cap of shotguns set to 200, it always takes two shots to down a fully armored enemy. So a shotgun that’s designed around firing two shots in quick succession has to be decent right?

The best Call of Duty: Warzone Model 680 shotgun class – Pump-action shotguns hardly take Warzone by storm ever since they received a hard damage cap. But even so, if used right they can be incredibly satisfying to roll enemies with.

The best Jak-12 class to use – If we’re talking iconic Call of Duty weapons, very little tops the Modern Warfare 2 AA-12. And now it’s back in the form of the Jak-12 and it’s hilarious to kill people with.

The best Call of Duty: Warzone Gallo SA12 shotgun class – You remember the Origin 12 meta? it was pretty painful and basically impossible to push anyone in a building. Well, good news! The Gallo SA12 is an even better semi-auto shotgun.

The best Hauer 77 shotgun class for Call of Duty: Warzone – It’s not the best shotgun nor is it particularly viable. But the Hauer 77 sounds amazing and can make your enemies jump out of their skin if you shoot it next to them. So there’s that.

Light machine guns

How to unlock the Bruen Mk9 LMG – Given the confusion over the rather misleading challenge to unlock the Bruen Mk9, I figured you’d probably want to know what you actually need to do. Don’t worry. I’ve got you covered.

How to unlock the Finn LMG fast – Warzone’s new LMG just dropped and its SMG-like fire rate makes it an appealing choice for more aggressive playstyles. Here’s how to unlock it as fast as possible.

The best Bruen MK9 class to use in Call of Duty: Warzone – With the Bruen MK9 rising to prominence in the Warzone meta it’s paramount that you know exactly what to equip yours with. Here’s our Bruen MK9 loadout guide.

The best Finn LMG attachments – So you’ve unlocked the Finn and have no idea what to do with it? Here’s a rundown of our best loadouts and attachments for Warzone‘s newest LMG.

The best Call of Duty: Warzone M60 light machine gun class – There’s something about the M60 that’s hard not to love. This borderline Gatling gun pumps out lead like little else and sounds incredible whilst doing it.

The Warzone Stoner 63 is a sleeping giant on the verge of greatness – LMGs have always hovered in and around the meta but as of late the love for them has died off a little. But I reckon with just one more buff the Stoner 63 could become something special.

How to unlock the RAAL MG in Warzone before Season Two begins – Raven has added three new guns to Modern Warfare but they aren’t officially released yet. However, with this method, you can unlock the upcoming RAAL MG early.

The best high damage PKM build in Call of Duty: Warzone – Being perhaps one of the most underappreciated primary weapons in Warzone, the PKM is a fantastic LMG capable of tremendous suppression and damage.

The best Call of Duty: Warzone M91 light machine gun class – You’ve probably never seen an M91 ran in Warzone but it actually isn’t anywhere near as bad as players give it credit for. In many ways, this LMG is a more forgiving alternative to the more popular PKM.

Marksman rifles

The best SP-R 208 marksman rifle class to use – The R700 rifle makes its first appearance since Call of Duty 4 and the developers were not playing around. This beast has the superior weapon handling of a marksman rifle with the damage profile of a sniper rifle. Here’s our recommended build.

Even after six seasons of Warzone content, the Kar98k still reigns as king – It’s not exactly a secret that the Kar98k is the best sniper in Warzone. And it’s been that way forever and no, it isn’t going to change anytime soon. So put your HDR away and try this out instead.

The best Call of Duty: Warzone SP-R208 marksman rifle class – In multiplayer, the SPR 208 is by far the best sniper rifle in the game. It isn’t quite as overpowered in Warzone but this bolt action is still well worth trying out.

Tactical rifles

The best Call of Duty: Warzone AUG tactical rifle class – Coming off of the back of Modern Warfare it’d be understandable if you assumed burst guns were unusable in Warzone. But the new AUG from Cold War is proving that sentiment wrong.

The best Call of Duty: Warzone M16 tactical rifle class – You ever wonder why Infinity Ward never buffed the FAMAS by lowering its recoil? The release of Cold War‘s M16 might have helped me realize why the developers were so hesitant. The M16 is scarily good in the right hands.

The best Call of Duty: Warzone DMR 14 post-patch class – We’ve seen assault rifles, snipers, submachine guns, and LMGs all become meta. But Modern Warfare‘s DMRs never quite got to that level. And then there is the DMR 14 from Cold War. Welcome to Warzone‘s latest top-tier gun. Not even the new nerfs can slow it down.

The best Call of Duty: Warzone Type 63 tactical rifle class – Due to the DMR 14’s dominance over the last few months the Type 63 has gone underappreciated. But with the right build, this might just be the best tactical rifle.

The best Call of Duty: Warzone CARV.2 tactical rifle class – After the awful AUG meta you might be a little afraid of the idea of Raven adding a new three-burst round weapon. Thankfully, the CARV is good but not overly riduclous. Here’s our recommended build.

Sniper rifles

The best Rytec AMR sniper loadout to use in Call of Duty: Warzone – How does a 50. caliber anti-material, vehicle destroying sniper rifle sound to you? This guide breaks down the best Rytec AMR to dominate Verdansk.

The best LW3 Tundra sniper rifle class to use in Call of Duty: Warzone – The winter rifle is possibly the world’s most iconic sniper and now you can use your very own in Warzone.

The best Call of Duty: Warzone Pelington 703 sniper rifle class – We’ve seen the Kar98k, AX-50, and HDR all prove that bolt action sniper rifles very much have a place in the Warzone meta. But can the new kid on the block challenge them? Here’s the best Pelington 703 class.

The best Call of Duty: Warzone M82 sniper rifle class – The Rytek struggled to be anything more than a troll weapon and you probably forgot the Dragunov even existed. But perhaps Cold War‘s M82 can breathe some much-needed life into the semi-auto sniper rifles.

The best long-range HDR build for Call of Duty: Warzone – Not everyone is a Faze-approved elite sniper. Sometimes using a more accessible weapon can help you land shots and of all the sniper in Warzone, the HDR is the easiest to use by far.

The best precision AX-50 build in Call of Duty: Warzone – Even though it may not be meta, the AX-50 is an appealing choice for many thanks to its high zoom scope and relatively fast handling. Here’s the best build for it.

The best ZRG 20mm sniper loadout in Call of Duty: Warzone – Have you ever looked at a 50 caliber sniper rifle and thought: “Damn, that’s too small.” Well, good news! The new ZRG 20mm cannon is just what you were looking for.

The best Call of Duty: Warzone Swiss K31 sniper rifle class – Continuing Cold War‘s recent trend of introducing World War II guns into Warzone, the Swiss K31 is an old-school bolt action rifle. Here’s how it stacks up against its direct competition and meta sniper of choice, the Kar98k.


How to unlock the unreleased Warzone Sykov pistol early – If its leaked stats are anything to go by the Sykov is leading up to be one of the most overpowered secondaries in Warzone history. Here’s how to unlock it before Raven Software gives it the greenlight.

The best Call of Duty: Warzone Diamatti pistol class – Akimbo pistols have had a good time in Warzone with a couple of the battle royale’s metas even revolving around them. Although they aren’t at their absolute best, the Diamatti offers a strong case to start running them again.

The best Magnum class to use in Call of Duty: Warzone -Ever fancied feeling like a cowboy and dropping your enemies with a pair of revolvers. Then here’s the gun guide for you!

The best Akimbo M19 loadout to use in Call of Duty: Warzone – It hasn’t been too popular in Warzone but the M19 used to dominate regular multiplayer. Players have begun to catch on that what made it strong in the first place transfers to Activision’s battle royale better than first thought.

The best Call of Duty: Warzone 1911 Akimbo pistol class – Warzone players may shiver at the thought of the 1911 pistol. But this isn’t the pitiful Modern Warfare version. The new Black Ops Cold War rendition hits surprisingly hard and can down enemies quickly when duel wielded.

The best Call of Duty: Warzone Sykov Akimbo pistol class – It was teased for some time but it was unclear if the Sykov would ever arrive. However, the day has finally come and you can now use the Sykov akimbos in both Modern Warfare and Warzone. Spoiler, they are overpowered.

The best Call of Duty: Warzone AMP63 pistol class – Making its first return to Call of Duty since the original Black Ops, the PM-63, or AMP63 as it’s known here, is an easily recognizable machine pistol. Here’s how to get the most out of it.

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