After waves of map leaks and fan speculation, Call of Duty: Warzone has finally arrived. While the latest addition to Activision and Infinity Ward’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is free to play, it appears that the developers want to incentivize their most devoted players to join the battle. To commemorate the game mode’s debut, Activision will be releasing a special Combat Pack for PlayStation Plus users.

Although the two developers promised that COD: Warzone would not require the PlayStation Plus service, they had always promised additional perks for PS Plus subscribers. After clarifying that all PS4 players can start playing for free, details surrounding these perks had remained unknown until the release date on March 10.

According to the PlayStation Store listing, this free PS Plus Combat Pack offers a weapon blueprint for a Model 60 shotgun with custom cosmetics. Subscribers also receive an exclusive calling card, a weapon charm and an equippable Skilltrack 56 watch. Finally, the Pack will also allow players to redeem a token to earn double experience points for one hour and unlock a new Operator Skin and playable character named Yegor for Call of Duty: Warzone. The PlayStation Store also confirmed that the pack’s contents were timed exclusives to Sony’s subscription service until October 1, 2020.

Activision and Infinity Ward’s decision to offer the combat pack to PS Plus subscribers is not surprising. While the pack’s contents could draw in new players from the PlayStation service, it might also prove to be beneficial for Sony, which could see diehard Call of Duty fans sign up to collect the loot. The pack creates a mutually beneficial relationship for both the game and one of its platforms. The PlayStation Plus benefits also underline the fact that although the game is free to play, the developers still need to somehow monetize COD: Warzone in order to fund its development.

Hopefully, COD and battle royale enthusiasts alike can enjoy what Warzone has to offer. Although it requires a full Call of Duty: Modern Warfare download to work, the new extension seems to stand on its own, showing off engaging environments and clever spins on classic battle royale mechanics. Whether or not COD: Warzone continues to improve on its existing mechanics, it is off to an intriguing start.

Source: GameSpot