Resident Evil Village is a sequel to Resident Evil Biohazard, where Ethan Winters is on a ghastly journey of rescuing her daughter. A 30 min demo is out for all which gives you a glimpse of the new scary world of Lycans and may-be vampires. If you had played the demo and wondering how to carry forwards RE Village Demo to the full game then read this guide till the end. I am also going to share some valuable info about the full version.

Resident Evil Village Demo Save Game Backup & Carry Forward to Full Game

When you start the demo the first choice is to select the difficulty level. The next screen clearly states the demo comes without the Cloud Save function. This means whatever game you play will not save and you can replay this again until the demo period expires. The only condition is you have to be online to play this game. So it is clear you cannot carry forward RE Village Demo progress to the full game.

You will have to begin everything from scratch. RE Village Demo introduces a few characters, some monsters, and wandering old women. This version of Resident Evil goes much darker into a dystopian village ruled by some Mother Miranda. She later turns hostile and stops protecting the village that leads to the monster crisis. Resident Evil Village will remind you a lot of Biohazard, as the gameplay mechanics follow the explore and crafting fundamentals.

A short 30 mind demo might not be enough to know much about Resident Evil Village, but there is more to come. Here is the date and schedule of upcoming demos.

Resident Evil Village Demo Dates and Timings

  • Resident Evil Village Demo – 30 Mins Limited: HKT 18th April, 17:00 to Mon, 19th April, 01:00.
  • Resident Evil Village Castle Demo – 30 Mins Limited: HKT 25th April, 17:00 to Mon, 26th April, 01:00.
  • Resident Evil Village Gameplay Demo – 60 Mins Limited: HKT 2nd May, 08:00 to Mon, 3rd April, 08:00.

So there is still a lot to come, the current demo will give you 30 min access to the Village area of the game. Here you can explore the surroundings, old village houses, and meet a few un-friendly villagers. Later a castle demo will be out on 25th April 2021 that will take you inside Mother Miranda’s house. The last 60 Min demo might include both together. It is still unclear the upcoming demo will carry the option to carry forward the RE Village Demo save game progress to the full version.

We will update you soon about the same, till then check here does Resident Evil Village has a Multiplayer option? Do not forget to have a look at RE Village Wiki for more amazing tips and tricks.