Ah, the 90s, otherwise known as the era of cartoon revolution. It was when creators started to push boundaries and make shows no one had ever seen before. They put a value on quality (on some shows anyway) and tried to take their audience more seriously. It was a strange experimental time and an amazing time.

(Plus, it was always fun to watch these cartoons years later and discover just how many grown-up jokes were slipped past the censors in these cartoons. Seriously I don’t know how Animaniacs did it.)

Whether you watched the Disney Afternoon shows, were a Nickelodeon fan, or loved Cartoon Network, the 90s had quite a bit to offer as far as cartoons go. For many of us, these cartoons made a big part of our childhood, shaping our sense of humor and showing us what animation could do. Some of my personal favorites include Animaniacs and Ducktales, though Arthur was also a big part of my childhood.

As we grew up, though, we couldn’t help but wonder what these characters would be like all grown-up too. And with their own kids. Come on, you’ve never thought about what your favorite 90s characters would be like as parents? Would they be cool parents, chill parents, strict parents, or completely irresponsible parents? It was fun to think about, and it got you wondering how these characters would be like in a grown-up setting.

So here are 20 90s cartoon characters that artists have reimagined as parents. Think we missed some good ones? Be sure to let us know in the comments below.

20 These Babies Now Have Their Own

To be honest, I was never a huge fan of Rugrats, but I can see why people would like it. It was both cute and pretty clever, and the animation style was pretty unique. Doing most of the show from the perspective of a group of babies is an interesting idea.

Can you imagine these kids having their own kids, though? It is a weird thought, but some fans decided to draw what they thought these little toddlers would look like as parents. Angelica would totally be a working mom, but she would probably be a bit more attentive than her mother was. Tommy would be a pretty chill dad, and I could see the twins basically co-parenting each other’s kids as well as their own.

19 They’re A Pretty Cool Family

You’d be surprised at how many fans ship Sonic and Amy. I can see the appeal of this ship: I think they both complement each other pretty well and their different personalities actually mesh fairly nicely. Sonic’s chill attitude is a great balance to Amy’s infamous temper.

Amy would be that strict, no-nonsense type of mom.

A lot of fans have imagined these two as parents, and it’s a pretty fun idea. I think the two would make great parents. Amy would be that strict, no-nonsense type of mom that you would never want to disappoint. Sonic would probably be a pretty laid-back dad, but push him enough and he’ll get stern with you. He would probably defer to Amy though. I also like this artist’s interpretation of their kids. They’re a great mix between the two, yet their own person.

18 This Is An Interesting Family

Did you know that people shipped Dexter from Dexter’s Laboratory with Blossom from Powerpuff Girls? Yeah, me neither. But I think this relationship could potentially work. I think Dexter would be fascinated by Blossom, asking all kinds of questions about her origin. Plus, he does love superhero stuff, so he would be ecstatic that his girl was one. And I think Blossom would be drawn to Dexter’s smarts, admiring all the crazy technology he’s created.

The two as parents is a strange thought. Dexter probably would be the paranoid father, especially if his kids developed superpowers. Oh, he would think it was amazingly cool, but I think he would also be a bit freaked out about his kids putting themselves in danger. I think Blossom would be more relaxed about it, but she’d probably have strict superhero rules.

17 These Two Would Be Awesome Parents

I think Hey Arnold had some of the most unique kid characters. While the show’s premise was pretty simple, the characters are really what made it come to life. These aren’t superheroes trying to save the day, and they’re not the chosen ones meant to protect the world. They’re just kids, growing up in the city and trying to figuring out life. And it works.

Helga would struggle at first.

So how would these kids be as parents? Well, this artist took Helga and Arnold (which is a very popular ship) and made them parents. And I think they would totally rock it. I do think Helga would struggle at first, mostly because her family life is a little dysfunctional so she would be trying to not recreate that. Arnold would probably have some insecurities about being a dad since he knew very little about his parents. But I think the two would come together and be great parents.

16 This Totally Happened

Arthur is the show that I grew up with as a kid. It was pretty fun series with interesting characters and relevant situations. All the characters were pretty awesome and stayed consistent throughout the series. I also liked that none of them were perfect and they all had their own quirks and weaknesses.

I didn’t realize that a lot of people ship Arthur and Francine. Well, the show did say that canonically the two do get together eventually when they’re older. And I think they work pretty well as a couple. Francine would bring Arthur more out of his shell, and Arthur would call Francine out on when she’s being mean. They would be pretty awesome parents. Arthur would totally be that nerdy dad, and I think Francine would be a pretty chill mom.

15 Max Would Totally Be A Dorky Dad

You know I think Max was one of those characters who tried so hard to not be a dork, and he usually ended up failing pretty spectacularly. But I think as he got older, he would accept his inner dork and totally embrace it as a dad.

He would accept his inner dork and totally embrace it as a dad.

Now, I know Roxanne wasn’t technically in the Goof Troop series and was only in A Goofy Movie, but I’m counting it because I think she and Max were super sweet together. They were both equal parts awkward and nice, showing that they did like each other a lot, but weren’t really sure how to go about it. And I loved that Roxanne liked all of Max, even his awkwardness. But yeah, I could see this family going on a road trip and Max totally being that embarrassing dad that makes his teenage kids groan.

14 He Probably Shouldn’t Be A Father

Wolverine is arguably one of the most popular X-men. And I can understand why. The guy is insanely tough, has some pretty cool powers, doesn’t take crap from anybody, and has a pretty tragic backstory. You admire him, get annoyed with him, and feel for him all at once. So how would this guy be as a dad?

Well, technically, Wolverine is a father. X-23 is more or less his daughter, though she’s technically his clone, and he does have a son named Daken. And besides those two, he’s apparently fathered over 15 kids, though he doesn’t know most of them. Is he a good dad? Eh, well, he’s not the worst. You have to remember, Wolverine is all kinds of messed up, so most of his relationships are pretty dysfunctional. Add the fact that he doesn’t know most of his kids, and well, he’s not great.

13 Do They Take Their Kids On Field Trips?

Ah, who doesn’t love this awesome series that made you learn without realizing you were learning? The Magic School Bus was a great series that got kids interested in science through pretty creative ways. And all of the kids were fairly memorable. They all had their own distinct personalities and quirks, though the fact that they all had catchphrases could be annoying.

They would probably tell their kids the stories of Ms. Frizzle and their adventures.

So how would these kids be as parents? Pretty good, I think. I’m sure they’d probably want their kids to be as involved in science as they were, so they would probably tell their kids the stories of Ms. Frizzle and their adventures. I’d like to think they’d all stay in touch too as they got older. (Maybe some would end up getting married.) No matter what though, I think they would fondly remember those years with Ms. Frizzle and her magical school bus.

12 They’re Gonna Be The Very Best

I think the two most popular couples that have been shipped in the Pokémon series have been Ash and Misty, and James and Jessie. I could see James and Jessie being a couple, mostly because they already kind of act like one. The two do bicker a bit, but you can tell they care about each other. They’re definitely two people who have known each other for a long time, so I could see them becoming something more. And they would be great and totally supportive parents.

I have a harder time believing in Ash and Misty as a couple. I don’t know, I thought their interactions were more antagonistic than anything. They do bicker a lot, but there aren’t that many softer moments between them. But I think they would make pretty good parents.

11 They Make A Pretty Cute Future Family

Futurama was actually a pretty clever series, taking the classic “person from the past being thrown into the distant future” idea, and adding some clever twists. The world building behind this series is very impressive, and it gives way to some equally fascinating characters.

Every fan of Futurama shipped Fry and Leela.

I’m also sure that every fan of Futurama shipped Fry and Leela. And for a good reason. The two do develop a strong connection. They’re both willing to give up things for each other, and they do share a great chemistry. I think the two would make pretty good parents. Leela would teach their kids to be tough and strong, and Fry would remind them to enjoy life and not take things too seriously. The two characters aren’t perfect, but they do try, and I think that would reflect on their kids too.

10 This Family Could Probably Kick Your Behind

These two are probably my favorite X-Men couple, mainly because they’re so entertaining to watch. Their personalities do clash initially, mostly that Rogue is not initially swayed by Gambit’s charm, but the guy is also surprisingly respectful, despite the fact that he was running with the bad guys at first. I do like how their relationship goes from antagonistic to romantic in a pretty realistic way.

So how would these two be as parents? I think they would both be pretty good. Gambit would teach their kids to be polite and kind, and Rogue would teach them to not take crap from anybody. They would be this great combination of being fairly strict parents, but also a bit unconventional. I wonder if their kids would pick up more of Rogue’s southern accent, or Gambit’s Cajun one?

9 It’s An Unusual Love

Seriously, why didn’t Gargoyles get more seasons? This is some of the best darker material that Disney has come out with, especially in their TV shows. Gargoyles is one of those series that is surprisingly good, and yet isn’t remembered all that much (at least compared to other Disney Afternoon shows).

A human gargoyle hybrid baby would be amazing

At the center of this series is Goliath, the leader of the gargoyles and Elisa, a human who ends up befriending the gargoyles in the modern era. And these two actually do start a romantic relationship later on in the series. I just love these two. Their different personalities work surprisingly well, and I do love the idea that it takes a human to get the bitter gargoyle to learn to love again. I think they would be very loving parents. Plus, a human gargoyle hybrid baby would be amazing!

8 This Is A Very Odd But Sweet Family

I actually like Peter Parker in the Spider-Man series. He’s just a guy who’s trying to protect his city, his family, and his friends. Peter is a pretty genuinely likable person who has some very relevant struggles, like trying to pay rent and keep his relationships from falling apart.

But did you know that people shipped Peter Parker with Twilight Sparkle from My Little Pony (well the human version of her anyway)? Like, a lot of people do. I did not see this coming, and yet when I think about it, they would be a pretty good couple. They’re both total nerds, and I could see them helping each other out with their insecurities. And this artist’s interpretation of their little family is actually really cute! It’s a ship I never knew I wanted.

7 These Kids Are All Grown-Up

Doug is a surprisingly good series that details the somewhat ordinary, yet relevant struggles that kids have in their lives. The show itself is fairly mellow, but the interesting and rather unique characters are what give it life. I also like the different character designs, especially how some characters are unique colors like purple or green. So how would these characters be as parents?

Doug’s fun imagination would be a big hit with his kids.

I’ll admit, I’m cheating a bit with the art on this one since it just shows the characters as adults, but hey, they could be parents. I think Doug and Patty would be good parents. (Yes, I ship them. They’re just too cute!) Doug’s fun imagination would be a big hit with his kids, and I think Patty’s sweet temperament would make her a great mom.

6 He’s A Super Dad

Not long after Batman: The Animated Series became a huge hit, Superman: The Animated Series came out, and it was pretty good! This series does give Superman more depth than a lot of the movies did, and it shows all the different villains he’s had to go up against.

So, what would Superman be like as a dad? Well, it’s been toyed with a lot in various comic series and shows actually. There’s Superboy, who’s actually a clone of Superman. There’s his cousin Kara, that he becomes a big brother to, and there’s Jon, his son in the Super Sons comic series. I think Superman would make a good dad (though he was kind of a jerk to Superboy at first). I think he likes the idea of passing his knowledge on to the next generation.

5 He Really Shouldn’t Be A Dad

Oh, Johnny Bravo. This guy probably shouldn’t be allowed to procreate at all. I mean seriously, the guy’s a total womanizer, he’s completely irresponsible, and he gets himself into the most ridiculous situations. Plus, considering how unlucky he actually is with the ladies, I’m surprised that he would be with one long enough to have a kid.

He would be ecstatic about having a mini version of him.

But I have to say, this artist’s look into Johnny Bravo interacting with his son is absolutely adorable! (And I love that the baby also has sunglasses.) While Bravo probably wouldn’t be the most responsible parent, I think he would be ecstatic about having a mini version of him. Maybe having a kid would make him start to mature, but I wouldn’t count on it. Oh, well, there’s hope that things would work out.

4 This Is A Surprisingly Sweet Family

In general, I’m a little iffy about some of the couples that people ship in the TMNT franchise. It can range from sweet to just plain strange. But one couple I did really like was Raph and Mona Lisa. (I actually prefer the two in the 2012 animated series since they were fleshed out more, but the 1987 version of them was pretty fun too.) They were only hinted at in the 1987 series, but fans really liked them together and I don’t blame them.

I think they would make pretty good parents. (though I’m not sure how that would work. Are mutant lizards and mutant turtles genetically compatible?) A hybrid lizard turtle baby would be so cute, and I could see Raph being a total softie when it comes to his kids.

3 He’s Practically A Dad Anyway

We don’t get introduced to Nightwing until much later in the Batman: The Animated Series, and by then it’s called The Adventures of Batman and Robin. But he proves to be a very capable vigilante on his own. While he does have his own issues with Batman, he is willing to help out when he’s needed.

He’s always thinking about family.

Depending on the version of comics, Nightwing is a dad. In this artist’s interpretation, his daughter is his and Starfire’s who he meets after forming the Titans. I think Nightwing would make a great dad. He’s already shown to be a good father figure to Damian in the comics. He often shows how much he cares for his other adopted siblings, so he’s always thinking about family. He would totally rock it as a dad.

2 This Really Shouldn’t Be A Thing

The Ren and Stimpy Show was a very bizarre and rather grotesque series. It was definitely one of those shows where they were pushing the limits on craziness and creepiness. Seriously, this show was kind of messed up. But that doesn’t stop fans from shipping people.

Did you know that people ship Ren and Stimpy? I mean, I guess it makes sense since the guys are pretty close, but that’s just weird. Plus, didn’t they fight all the time? This artist shows them with their daughter, who is kind of cute, I guess. I don’t know if the two would be good parents or not. They’ve both got their own issues and I can’t see that translating well into parenthood. It would definitely be a very interesting experience for them.

1 He’s Pretty Much A Dad Already

Who doesn’t love Baloo? He’s a pretty awesome guy both in the Jungle Book movie and in the Talespin series. He’s silly, he’s kind, and he can be pretty protective of the people he cares about. That’s probably why a lot of people like to see him in a father’s role.

Baloo has actually been a father figure to a couple of kids.

Baloo has actually been a father figure to a couple of kids. He was one to Mowgli in The Jungle Book (he even flat out said that he loved the kid like he was his own cub). And he was one to Kit in the Talespin series. Kit is an orphan cub who joins Baloo’s piloting crew, becoming his navigator. The two definitely settle into a father-son type of dynamic. Kit even calls him Papa Bear sometimes. I think Baloo makes a pretty good dad. Yeah, he can be irresponsible sometimes, but he’s always there for his kids.