After two successful seasons, the Castlevania animated show will be getting its third season, which will be released in a few short weeks. In addition, the cast will be expanding, and Netflix has announced some of the new actors that will be in the popular show.

Some of the new voice actors added to the show are fairly recognizable. Lance Reddick, who portrayed Cedric Daniels in Baltimore-based crime show The Wire, will portray The Captain. Further additions include Bill Nighy of the Pirates of the Carribean series, Jessica Brown Findlay of Downton Abbey, and Jason Isaacs of Star Trek: Discovery.

With a cast that’s already pretty strong, these are some formidable additions bolstering the acclaimed show. Reddick has also starred in the John Wick series as well as the game/TV show hybrid Quantum Break. Meanwhile, Nighy may be most known for his memorable performance as Davy Jones in the Pirates of the Caribbean film franchise. However, he also starred the in beloved romantic comedy Love Actually and last year’s Pokémon Detective Pikachu.

Overall, the Castlevania animated show will likely be a worthy addition to these actors’ portfolios. The show has gotten almost universally positive reception from fans, and the recently-released trailer shows plenty of promise.

Since the show’s release date for the third season was announced, it has received a trailer giving viewers a preview as to what it entails for viewers’ favorite characters. Plot threads such as the rivalry between Dracula and Trevor Belmont look to be continued, and the animated style continues to show off its beauty.

Broadly speaking, there appears to be a renaissance of sorts for film and TV adaptations of video games. From Netflix’s upcoming Resident Evil series and Detective Pikachu to Sonic the Hedgehog and The Witcher series, producers appear to be warming up to game-to-movie and game-to-TV show adaptations. It’s worth noting that The Witcher TV show is more of an adaptation of the novels, but nonetheless contains elements of the game series.

Castlevania’s third season will release on Netflix on March 5, 2020.

Source(s): Twitter (via IGN)