Castlevania is one of the hardest platforming franchises of all time. While the Metroidvanias are marginally easier, that’s mainly because players are given a wider arrange of abilities and weapons to choose from. In the old school games, the Belmonts of yore had the Vampire Killer and little else. This made whatever players could get their hands on all the more valuable.

As a result, Sub-Weapons have become an incredibly important aspect of the franchise’s DNA. They stem back to the very first installment and persisted (in some form) all the way to the last. That said, not all Sub-Weapons are created equal, with some vastly outshining the competition. A powerful Sub-Weapon can make for a smoother experience, and it’s just common sense to seek the best ones out.

10 Axe

Fortunately, one of the better Sub-Weapons is one that players will most likely stumble upon quite frequently. The Axe is typically one of the first Sub-Weapons found in each game, usually stationed shortly after the dagger. Launching out in an arch, wise players will use the Axe to pick away foes from afar.

Better yet, the Axe’s verticality allows it to kill enemies on higher planes. This makes platforming far smoother and easier. Since it travels into the air only to curve downwards, it can also be handy in killing off Bats and Medusa Heads, both of which are usually positioned in particularly difficult platforming areas.

9 Stopwatch

Of the original Castlevania Sub-Weapons, the Stopwatch is perhaps the priciest and most situational. It doesn’t play much of a beneficial role during boss fights, causing some players to ignore it outright, and the cost of hearts is high enough where more active players will find themselves put off by the weapon.

That said, the Stopwatch is an excellent tool for platforming as it freezes enemies in place, allowing players to breeze past otherwise difficult sections. For that reason alone, the Stopwatch is one of the best Sub-Weapons in the series. Totally situational, yes, but Castlevania emphasized platforming and difficulty enough where the Stopwatch will ward off headaches.

8 Cream Pie

Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin’s signature joke weapon, the Cream Pie is a pitiful Sub-Weapon that does little damage and has bad range… at first anyway. When fully upgraded (a task that will admittedly take quite a while,) the Cream Pie ends up one of the most overpowered Sub-Weapons in the game.

Not just that, the Cream Pie has a very useful situational function: putting the Whip’s Memory back in his place. Richter is an incredibly hard boss to defeat, but the upgraded Cream Pie more or less subdues him on the spot. The Cream Pie trivializes one of the hardest fights in the series.

7 Cross

One of the most practical Sub-Weapons in the series, the Cross might not particularly excel in any one area, but it does plenty of things well enough. It has great range, hits reasonably hard, and can actually hit an enemy or boss twice depending on how far players end up throwing the Cross. That last bit alone makes the Cross worth it.

In earlier games, it’s even possible to upgrade the Cross further, allowing players to go wild throwing Crosses across the screen. The Cross very quickly becomes a screen wiper like this, killing enemies very efficiently. It also slowly depletes Hearts, making it one of the more useful Sub-Weapons to just carry around perpetually.

6 Holy Water

On the flip-side is the Cross’ grounded brother, Holy Water. Where the Cross is meant for airborne combat, Holy Water only affects the ground. That said, it ends up being just as useful, if not more so. Whenever a Belmont flings their Holy Water to the ground, it splatters and causes a brief chain reaction of blue fire.

This is not only a great method of killing enemies ahead of the path, it actually ends up being fairly useful in boss fights. It might not be as satisfying to land as the Cross, but Holy Water is a very safe and useful Sub-Weapon to bring into a fight.

5 Shuriken

Another Jonathan Morris Sub-Weapon courtesy of Portrait of Ruin, the Shuriken isn’t a joke weapon like the Cream Pie, but just an insanely great Sub-Weapon that, funny enough, is actually better than its upgraded version. The basic Shuriken hits hard, hits fast, and is fairly cheap to use in quick succession.

Better yet, the Shuriken has insanely good range. In many respects, it’s probably Portrait of Ruin’s most broken weapon. Other Sub-Weapons do end up out-damaging it, granted, but the Shuriken is so versatile that there’s little reason to use anything else, when playing as Jonathan at least. Charlotte’s Spell based loadout is a completely different story.

4 Bible

Also known as “Holy Book” in some translations, the Bible really is everything the Belmonts make it out to be. Specifically, they make it out to be an insanely good weapon. Not only does the Bible hit hard, it hits multiple times, hits fast, and doesn’t cost much in the way of Hearts. There’s a pattern with these best Sub-Weapons, isn’t there?

The Bible is perhaps at its most useful when either platforming or in a boss fight. The Bible’s crazy range makes clearing out foes during the former easy enough while making damaging a boss and getting away at the same time a viable option in the latter.

3 Dart

Another of Jonathan’s Portrait of Ruin Sub-Weapons, the Dart isn’t all that useful at first glance. It has the chance to strike a BullsEye, more or less landing a critical hit on an enemy, but it doesn’t happen all that often, until players take the time to master the Dart that is. Like the Cream Pie, the Dart becomes much more viable once mastered.

What makes the Dart so useful is the mere fact that it pretty much always lands a critical hit once mastered. It lacks range and can only be shot in a straight line like the Dagger, but that’s not an issue at all when every single hit is guaranteed to be top notch in terms of damage.

2 Dragon

Rondo of Blood’s secondary protagonist, Maria makes the game far easier than Richter does. She can double jump, slide, and tear bosses to pieces in no time flat. She’s the game’s easy mode and it shows. Even her Sub-Weapons are stupidly strong, to the point of utterly trivializing the game.

The Dragon is basically a mix between the Dagger and the Cross, the main difference being that it’s virtually impossible for enemies to avoid and it hits ridiculously hard. It does eat up an appropriate amount of Hearts, but Rondo of Blood tends to be very generous with its Hearts in general, making the Dragon all the better in the long run.

1 Herb

Chances are that even hardcore fans might do a double take upon seeing the Herb listed as the best Sub-Weapon. Not because the Herb is undeserved, but because most fans don’t even know it exists. Exclusive to Castlevania Chronicles on the PS1, the Herb restores Simon’s health.

While Metroidvanias allow players to heal whenever, Classicvanis force them to tough it out. As Chronicles is a bit on the harder side, an Herb was added in as a Sub-Weapon. It takes up a lot of Hearts, but it’s absolutely worth the trouble of holding onto, especially for players who love using the whip.

NEXT: 10 Other Metroidvania Games To Play After You Beat Bloodstained Ritual Of The Night