Apex Legends has remained a popular first-person shooter battle royale since its release a few years ago. In the time since, the game has been updated with numerous new seasons, maps, weapons, and a plethora of new legends to play as. Respawn has now revealed the latest legend. Catalyst is the first playable trans character to join the cast of Apex Legends, and she will make her way to the game on November 1.

On the Apex Legends website, Catalyst’s name is revealed to be Tressa Smith. She’s described as an “experienced terraformer and defensive conjurer” with plenty of ferrofluid control. A story trailer featuring the new character provides some of her backstory. The developer describes the events of the trailer as follows: “The shattered moon of Boreas needs help. But when Tressa and her friend disagree about the best way to save Cleo, the consequences will change lives forever.”


Getting it right

Introducing a trans character into a game like Apex Legends is no mean feat, but the team at Respawn Entertainment has been careful to make Catalyst feel as authentic as possible. According to an interview by GamesRadar, it collaborated with transgender employees within the studio, the voice actor of the character, Meli Grant who is also a trans woman, and representatives from GLAAD, an LGBTQ media advocacy group.

GLAAD’s Blair Durkee said that the team “[worked] for pretty much the entire year on Catalyst’s voice lines and character design, all the aspects that go into making an authentic trans character.” Durkee went on to say the team “wanted her trans identity to be super impactful to her character. I think players will be pleasantly surprised that her trans identity sort of shines through in every aspect.”

Players can play as Catalyst when she arrives in Apex Legends alongside the new season, map, and battle pass on November 1.