The revenue made from online gaming both increased from 2018 to 2019, and was more abundant in China than in other regions across the globe.

As calculated by Golden Casino News, China accounted for nearly 25% of all revenue accrued from online gaming internationally. In specific, China generated a total of $4.2 billion from online gaming out of the $16.9 billion generated in total.

The United States fell just behind China, generating $3.5 billion in income, while Japan, South Korea, and the United Kingdom accounted for the third, fourth, and fifth highest-grossing nations in terms of revenue generated from online gaming. A graph for this can be seen below.

Similarly, China led the way in the generation of revenue from mobile gaming.

As indicated by Golden Casino News, “online gaming’ is defined as games like World of Warcraft, which require subscriptions to play, as well as free-to-play titles like Fortnite, which generate income from sources like add-ons, microtransactions, and DLC.

Another graph displays the revenue from online games from 2017 to 2024 internationally, showing an increase from each displayed year to the next.

Interestingly, the difference between 2017’s total income from online gaming globally and 2019’s is fairly minimal. The same goes for the projected year of 2020 compared to 2019. The real jump, however, occurs at 2022 to 2024, where the difference is an increase in almost half a billion in revenue.

The increase in revenue could well be due to the number of those who participate in online gaming. According to Golden Casino News, the number of online gamers increased by nearly a million gamers in the past three years. Thus, the average money spent per online gamer is $19.54. By 2024, it is estimated that the number of online gamers will expand to about one billion players.

Aside from the increase in the number of online games available, including added ones in 2019 like Apex Legends, much of global income expansion appears to have much to do with increased users. As more and more people participate and spend in online gaming, then the revenue will likely increase as appropriate. We have yet to see if Golden Casino News’ predictions are correct, though.