The_Bai_Ying is a cosplayer living in Shanghai, China, who recently revealed his latest cosplay on the Chinese version of the popular social media app TikTok. This cosplay has a practical function beyond just being a Death Stranding-style suit, though. The_Bai_Ying claims that the suit, complete with baby pod, will protect himself and his infant from poor air quality.

The_Bai_Ying uploaded a video of the suit to TikTok, and it’s basically a biohazard suit with a Death Stranding baby pod attached to it. In the video, The_Bai_Ying shows his actual infant child inside the pod, claiming that he has made an air filter so that it is safe for the child, accompanied with hashtags for Death Stranding and coronavirus. The_Bai_Ying claims that he hopes to use the suit to take his child to the hospital when necessary, though it’s possible he’s just joking about actually using the suit in public. After all, no videos exist of The_Bai_Ying going out in public with his child in the pod, and so the implication that he’s using it to protect the baby from coronavirus may be tongue in cheek.

While the suit is definitely inspired by Death Stranding’s BB pod, it has a reference to another video game franchise on it as well. Viewers have noticed that The_Bai_Ying’s Death Stranding suit also has a logo for the fictional Resident Evil Umbrella Corporation - itself perhaps another reference to the coronavirus.

Some may recall that there already exists a bizarre connection between Resident Evil and the coronavirus. The coronavirus originated in Wuhan, China, which is home to a biological research lab called RLSW. The RLSW logo is an almost exact copy of the Umbrella Corporation’s logo, except color-swapped so that it is green and white instead of red and white. No explanation for why the research lab copied the Umbrella logo has been given to date.

In the meantime, we don’t recommend anyone attempt to create a similar suit for transporting their infant. While The_Bai_Ying claims to have made it safe for his child, he hasn’t been shown actually transporting his child in the Death Stranding BB pod. Those worried about preventing the coronavirus should stick to recommendations from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

Source: Kotaku