Introduced in Clash of Clans’ December 2017 update, Clan Games give players at Town Hall six and above a chance to complete tasks and compete for rewards. At most, Clan Games last seven days. During which, clanmates will earn points for their clan by completing a variety of Clan Challenges. Make the most out of your next Clan Games and maximize your clan’s rewards by following our guide!

What Are Clan Challenges?

Clan Challenges are specific tasks that any one of your clan members can perform in order to bring in points for the entire clan. During Clan Games, you can access your clan’s list of challenges by clicking on the Strongman’s Caravan that sits right on the outskirts of your village. Once opened, you’ll see a list of tasks that anyone in your clan can activate. Challenges can be as simple as winning a single multiplayer battle or as complicated as destroying eight elixir towers in a multiplayer battle.

Each challenge also comes with a time limit, within which the task must be completed in order to gain points for your clan. The more difficult challenges will typically come with a three-hour time limit. Easier tasks will usually be capped at an hour. If you can’t finish a task or just want to get rid of one, you always have the option to trash a challenge. New tasks will populate automatically when challenges are completed or trashed.

How Does Scoring Work?

For each Clan Challenge that your clan completes, points will be rewarded to your clan. Naturally, challenges with a higher level of difficulty or time limit will yield higher point values. Finding the right balance between payouts and the time it takes to complete certain tasks is critical to running up your point totals and getting to the highest-tiered rewards. 

Depending on the number of points that your clan acquires during the course of the Clan Games, you will be placed into a tier that corresponds with your point total. There are now seven Clan Game Reward tiers, each of which has unique rewards that are announced before the start of the games. Tier one will get everyone on your team something like a resource potion and 30 gems. Tier seven might reward clans with a Book of Heroes and close to 150 gems. Each player in your clan is capped at 5,000 points. So, when it comes to Clan Games, the more the merrier!

How To Get 75,000 Points Every Time

Clan Games are simple. The more points your clan gets, the better your rewards will be. The secret to making it to tier seven every single time is to work smarter, not harder. Here are a few tips and tricks that will have you and your clan taking home the best rewards week in and week out:

-Add people to your clan. If your clan only has 10 people, getting to the seventh tier rewards is literally impossible. Even with 20 people in your clan, making it to the top can be a challenge. Recruit as close to 50 players as possible to give your clan the best shot. You can even combine two clans if you know of another team that’s in a similar situation.

-Kick out the weak links. It sounds hardcore. But, if you want to the top tier rewards, you can’t afford bottom tier players in your clan. Players that don’t complete challenges will waste easy points.

-Set a goal for how many points each player in the clan needs to get in order to reach a team goal.

-Don’t trash too many tasks or at the wrong time. Every time you throw away a challenge, a ten-minute cooldown is put in place before you can select another. If you trash five challenges, you have to wait 50 minutes before you can complete anything. Sometimes it’s necessary to trash items (if you know you can’t complete it or no one in your team wants it), but do so sparingly. Also, always trash items right before you leave the app so that the cooldown really doesn’t affect your gameplay.

-Don’t worry about loot. If you just want to get as many points as possible, complete the challenges and leave the battle. Getting all of the loot is a waste of time and will increase your trophy level, making it harder for you to complete challenges and score your team points.

These are just the basics but will give you a great start to your next Clan Games. If you’re really looking to take it to the next level, Reddit user u/DragonBard_Z wrote an exhaustive guide to scoring big. Stay up to date with the latest updates and upcoming events at the official Clash of Clans website.

Download Clash of Clans via Google Play or the App Store to get started!