The quest to level 60 in World of Warcraft Classic isn’t just a preamble to endgame and raiding, as it is retail WoW. It’s half the game and part of what makes your character unique from the others. Level 40 is an important milestone in the evolution of every ’toon, and you have to admit, there are a lot of great things about it.

Of course, every level is something special, but the higher levels are when stuff starts to get real. This list includes dungeons, zones, training, and everything else you have coming to you when you find yourself at level 40.

10 The Mount

This is the one that everyone’s thinking of, so, fine, here it is. We should point out that you probably can’t get your mount because you can’t afford it yet, but at least now you’re high enough level for the training.

Paladins and Warlocks get a huge break here, as their class mounts cost nothing, while others need over 100 gold to pay for both training and the mount itself. With the exception of these two classes, your first mount will be based on your race and faction. The Alliance side has big cats, horses, rams, and mechanostriders. Roll a Horde toon if you want to ride a raptor, a Kodo, a wolf, or a skeletal horse.

9 The Hinterlands

Just to be clear, the Hinterlands is officially classed as a level 41 to 49 area with most of the available quests restricted to that bracket, but at least you’re not so low level that you’ll aggro every critter in the countryside at level 40. This is one of the most diverse zones in the game, with connections to both Hillsbrad foothills and the Western Plaguelands.

Alliance players can visit one of the game’s most beautiful cities, Aerie Peak, and do quests connected to griffin and dwarf lore. Some of the last surviving High Elves have a small base here, and there’s even a portal to the Emerald Dream in the north. This is also where the path to raiding starts with the “raid training” area of Jintha’Alor, which is connected to Zul’Gurub.

8 Nat Pagle, Angler Extreme

Your character is eligible for this quest at level 35, but Nat is surrounded by a level 36-45 swamp, and you have to have your fishing mixed at level 225 before he offers you this quest. These are a few of the reasons why you probably won’t get this quest until level 40, and, considering the places he sends you to find these elusive fish, it might even take you a few more levels.

This was one of the first really big “world quests” in the game that was only for a secondary profession. Players have to visit Feralas, Stranglethorn Vale, the Swamp of Sorrows and Desolace, several places that are too dangerous for lower-level characters.

7 You Matter in PvP

You did your time getting one-shotted in Stranglethorn Vale and Hillsbrad Foothills. Finally, when you get to level 40, it’s your turn. You not only have your mount to get to the skirmish faster, but you also have some powerful abilities and better gear. You might even have a trinket and headgear, depending on how skilled and lucky you are when it comes to dungeons and loot rolls. Either way, you can join that raid group with pride that you can actually make a dent in that other faction even if you’re still too low level to really wreak havoc.

6 Feralas

Leatherworkers, Warlocks, Paladins, and Herbalists love Feralas, and you can’t really spend any time there until you reach your 40s. There are high-level trainers here for leatherworkers along with plenty of quests to kill animals like yetis and gorillas, all of which are skinnable. Then, there’s the historic dungeon of Dire Maul, overrun by ogres, where it’s rumored actual Highborne Night Elves still survive—and you thought that High Elves were rare.

This is also where Warlocks and Paladins take the last step in a long quest to obtain their epic mounts. There are plenty of rare herbs like Purple Lotus and Sungrass in those verdant hills, and many of the animals here make ideal hunter pets, especially for those at higher levels

5 Talent Trees Have a Point

You really don’t get to see the results of your build until you start to see a substantial amount of points accumulate, which typically happens close to level 40. This is when you have to start paying attention and actually take your talent tree seriously.

Even if you don’t plan on raiding once you hit your level cap, there are plenty of good reasons to carefully plan your talent tree well in advance. Level 40 is usually when players search for the best talent builds on the internet or make an investment in wiping them out and starting again to get it right.

4 Razorfen Downs

Razorfen Kraul is the dungeon that takes you through your thirties, and it’s not exactly the worst dungeon but it’s not the best, either. Don’t let that put you off of Razorfen Downs, which has much better loot and lore than it’s lower level sibling across the street.

RFD is available players as low as level 37, but it’s when you hit level 40 that you can really bust some heads that dungeon. There’s a lot of interesting lore here, too. This part of the dungeon is controlled by the Scourge, the minions of the Lich King. If you’re role-playing a Forsaken character loyal to Sylvanas, you have a special kind of hate for this place.

3 Gourmet Cuisine

Nat Pagle teaches you how to fish, but it’s the higher-level cooking quests and recipes that teach you how to cook your catch into a savory meal. The high-level cooking trainer is in Gagetztan, the major city in Tanaris, a zone that’s intended for players from levels 40 to 50. Recipes at higher levels do more than just recharge your health and mana. They can also give valuable stat buffs, improve your health and mana regeneration, and even change your appearance.

2 Tanaris

If you’re following a path of Troll lore, you’ll discover that it leads from The Hinterlands to Tanaris. The mallet you acquire in Jintha’Alor in The Hinterlands is an essential component to the final boss fight in Zul’Farrak. Even if you’re not hoping to raid later, this is an important quest because of the amazing reward. Not a weapon or gear or a rare item, but a carrot on a stick.

Out of all the items in the game, this one gives your mount a whole 3% speed buff, and we know how crucial travel is to the game. Other interesting adventures in Tanaris include ancient archaeology, unruly pirates, and advanced cooking, alchemy and engineering training, all essential for levels 40 and up.

1 Advanced Primary Professions

No more of these piddling buffs of only a few points or building things just to grind up your level and selling them to vendors for a pittance. At level 40, you high enough to get the special mats you need along with the travel improvements that go along with finding the master trainers.

Plus, the stuff you’re making is actually useful, so, not only is it handy for your own adventures, but other players are willing to pay you a few gold pieces for your products and services. You might have that regular level 40 mount, but that epic one is just 20 levels away, so better to start saving now.

NEXT: 10 Most Notorious Quests in Classic WoW, Ranked