With the new content update for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, players were given access to complete challenges to unlock the crossbow, which is a weapon that was introduced in the first Black Ops game. Unlike its predecessors, this crossbow, in particular, has been deemed overpowered in some aspects due to the amount of damage it can dish out in some instances.

The crossbow has seen its fair share of changes throughout the years as it was able to be dual-wielded in Black Ops 3 and even became a two-round burst weapon in Black Ops 4. While the crossbow itself has never really been seen as a super threat due to its limited ammo capacity, the community has always enjoyed using it from time to time as a pretty reliable and interesting secondary weapon. This has changed in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare as the weapon has an overpowered trait to it.

The crossbow in Modern Warfare 2019 is able to one-shot kill another player even if they are in Juggernaut armor. This was discovered by the player Ricardo029 while testing out the killing potential of the brand new crossbow in a private match on the reintroduced fan-favorite map Shipment with another player on the enemy team.

It appears that the players waited until they obtained the Juggernaut killstreak and then equipped it once it was dropped by the care package helicopter. The other player then shoots Ricardo029 with a single explosive bolt from the crossbow which results in immediate death. In the case of the Modern Warfare crossbow, at least the crossbow bolt notifies the player that they were stuck before causing instant and impossible to avoid death.

The crossbow in the past has had explosive rounds but the damage output of the rounds has been pretty lackluster unless a player was to be hit dead on with the bolt. This version of the crossbow in Modern Warfare 2019 can easily become very infuriating to deal with once more players unlock the crossbow. Earning a Juggernaut is not an easy feat to accomplish for some players and getting one-shotted by a crossbow that is likely bugged adds insult to injury at that point.

While Infinity Ward hasn’t spoken yet on a fix for this overpowered issue, players have been voicing their concern for the weapon on Ricardo029’s post. It is extremely likely that players may hear of a patch for the weapon or maybe even a silent hotfix may be introduced for the time being. With the release of the crossbow, players can hopefully expect more free new weapons in the upcoming updates and seasons for the game.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2019 is out now for PS4, Xbox One, and PC.