What is the story of Cocaine Bear?

The story covers a 175-pound American black bear finding a lost shipment of cocaine that was dropped from a drug-running plane. Taking place in a Georgia forest, numerous individuals inevitably stumble across this apex predator after it has ingested substantial amounts of the fallen cocaine. Causing it to go on a bloody and violent rampage, attacking all those it comes across.With the bear now fuelled by a truly deadly amount of illicit narcotics. It goes on a violent, coke-fueled hunt for more product and prey in this wild comedic thriller.

Is the Story of Cocaine Bear Real?

As if the chance of stumbling across a wild black bear wasn’t frightening enough. Now they up the ante by giving it a coke addiction and a mean streak. With a little more flair, and a nice three-piece suit. This bear would easily be on its way to joining Scarface as the greatest cocaine figure in cinema.While the premise for this film sounds fresh out of the mind of someone coming down off a cocaine binge themselves. You’d be incredibly surprised to find out that this story is in fact, very true.With the real “Cocaine Bear” incident taking place in 1985 when a large black bear was found dead near a duffel bag and forty packages of cocaine.It was reported that the packages were ripped open and scattered over the hillside, and, while unclear exactly how much cocaine was ingested by the bear (reports estimated 70 pounds). The duffel bag it was found beside is said to have been capable of carrying around eighty-eight pounds of the drug. Estimated at a street value of over $2 million. Reports on the original incident estimate that after consuming such a large quantity of cocaine, the bear overdosed and died from heart failure within 5 minutes of ingesting the narcotic, thankfully, long before it was found or could do any harm to any humans or animals. The real bear has been taxidermied and placed on display at the Kentucky for Kentucky Fun Mall where it still stands for public viewing to this day.(Guest Article by Jerell Holiday. Editing by Gary O’ Driscoll.)

What kind of bear was Cocaine Bear?The real life bear that inspired the movie was a 175 pound American Black Bear.

How much did Cocaine Bear eat?It’s believed that the bear ate around 70 pounds of cocaine that was estimated to have a street value worth over $2 million.