Call Of Duty: Infinite Warfare was a very different style of video game for the popular franchise. While some people weren’t a big fan of the changes that were made, many others absolutely loved the space setting and the new abilities that came with the game.

But whether you liked the campaign mode or not, the online section of the game was certainly a hit. With an amazing Zombies mode and 12 fantastic maps to play online, there was plenty for everyone to enjoy.

The game still remains popular online to this day, with some of COD’s greatest ever maps taking place in this game. But with such a strong selection, which one is the best?

13 Mayday

Out of all of the maps on Infinite Warfare, Mayday is the weakest of the bunch. It is the one that tends to come up the least because gamers don’t vote for it, purely because it isn’t very popular.

The map is an intense one to play as it is so small, with very little room to hide. The fact that it’s on the edge of a black hole adds to the pressure as well, because if you slip or fall while wall-running, then there’s nowhere to save yourself.

12 Scorch

Much like Mayday, Scorch is often overlooked when it comes to gamers voting for a new map to play. The main reason being is that it just isn’t the fun to play. With a mixture of outdoors and indoors, something just never seems to click with this one.

There aren’t any great spots for camping out and picking opponents off, yet there also isn’t a hotbed for close-combat either. It feels like a map that’s searching for what it wants to be, but ultimately never finds it.

11 Crusher

Crusher is a fairly underrated map in the sense that it doesn’t come up or get voted to be played that often, but it can be a lot of fun whenever it is picked. A medium-sized map that suits a variety of styles, this is one that just suits everyone.

It isn’t the most action-packed map, but that doesn’t make it a poor one. The color scheme isn’t the greatest on Crusher though, packed with browns and reds, it isn’t the most exciting to look at.

10 Grounded

Grounded is a medium-sized map that has some amazing detail placed into it. There’s tons of places to sneak around here due to the jagged rocks that stick out around the various places.

However, that doesn’t mean this is a map for camping, as there is a necessity for close-ranged combat here as well. People are constantly popping up in all areas, which makes this a lot of fun to play.

9 Terminal

Some people don’t enjoy Terminal because it isn’t as good as they remember. But that is always the risk when you re-imagine a map with this classic MW2 map now being located on the moon.

Enjoyment on this map likely boils down to a gamers experience. If you’re aware of the true power positions on the map, it can be an excellent game. On the other hand, if you’re not aware of them, you can easily become a sitting target repeatedly.

8 Breakout

Breakout is placed on top of a snowy mountain and has some of the greatest graphics and visuals in the entire game. It also offers a great location for a wide range of gaming styles, which is why it’s so popular.

Enjoy wall-running and using the jetpacks? There’s space at the front of the map. Enjoy close-combat? Get inside the buildings or the bunks and there is plenty of spots. Enjoy long-range kills? Jump into a building and pick your spot. It has it all.

7 Skydock

Skydock is a brilliant map. Set on a floating shipyard that orbits Mars, this is both a spacious map, yet one that also has a lot of tight combat, meaning it offers something for every type of player.

If you love to snipe, there are places to position yourself to really do that. If you love close combat, then the central area of the map is certainly the place for you, which is why it is so beloved.

6 Frontier

Frontier is another very popular map from Infinite Warfare and it’s one where you really need to keep mobile at all times. Staying still in Frontier will be the death of you, which means this isn’t good for those who like to sit and pick people off with a sniper.

It’s tons of fun to play though, running through the underground tunnels, popping up to the top through the windows. With several door holes allowing for a few moments where people can kill and hide, there’s a lot of frantic enjoyment to be had from this map.

5 Genesis

If you end up playing in Genesis you had best be prepared, because this is a whirlwind of action. There is simply nowhere to hide on this map which is why it is so fun to play, as you constantly have to be aware of what’s going on.

It’s impossible not to enjoy playing in Genesis as you can easily rack up the kills. However, you can just as easily rack up the deaths if you’re not careful, but that doesn’t stop the map being endless amounts of fun. And if you don’t like it, the game is over fast because of the nature of it, so don’t worry!

4 Precinct

Another very fun map is Precinct, which is set in Shibuya Japan in the early stages of the SDF invasion. This is a very open map with very little room to hide, which often creates some amazing battles within a game.

Inside the main building often sees pure carnage take place as players are running in and out taking each other down. The pace is often fast on this particular map, which provides a truly thrilling experience.

3 Frost

Frost is Infinite Warfare’s true winter-style map, with this taking place on Jupiter’s moon, Europa. With ice everywhere, it can be a tricky map to navigate, but it really provides a fun experience while being in this map.

The inside main hub is always a hotbed of activity. With a huge wall running section and a massive ship to sit on in the middle, there’s a lot of fun to be had. But there are plenty of other spots in this map that are equally as exciting here, with Frost having plenty of areas to explore.

2 Throwback

Throwback is similar in a sense to Frost in that there is a main area of activity. Taking place in the tunnel, this area always has gamers running in and out, opening up tons of space for close combat.

However, what this map has going for it is the fact it has so many spots for camping and long-distance shooting as well. It is easy to stick in a spot and rack up several kills if you’re smart about it, and given that it has a very familiar feel, it is easy to connect to this map.

1 Retaliation

When it comes to the greatest map on the game, Retaliation takes the top prize as this is a truly superb map. The map is a perfect size, where it isn’t so big that you’re running around forever, but it isn’t too small in that it becomes a total bloodbath.

Taking place in a ravaged Geneva, there are plenty of spots to camp and pick off targets, while inside the main building is a hot spot for close combat. With plenty of areas to utilise the wall running ability as well, this map can create some truly amazing moments for gamers.

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