We have good news for budding filmmakers and all of you creative types: Valve is holding a contest that could be your big break, or at least win you some cool stuff. The upcoming DLC for Left 4 Dead 1 & 2, The Sacrifice will feature the song Save Me Some Sugar by the Midnight Riders. To celebrate the band’s debut in Left 4 Dead 1, Valve is asking fans of the franchise to make their own music video for the song.

According to legend, the original music video by the band was lost. Now Valve wants you to make your own, and post it to YouTube. The winner will get a guitar signed by the Midnight Riders and a gift pack from Valve. There are no details about the contents of the gift pack, but I’m sure it will not disappoint. The deadline for the contest is October 1st, 2010. Although an mp3 of the song is available on the official contest page, the best part of the contest are the rules.

I think this contest is a great idea. Although it is a Sony tagline, “Play, Create, Share” is becoming more and more common in gaming. I like this trend. As we have seen with ModNation Racers and LittleBigPlanet, when gamers are given a chance to be creative they can do insanely wonderful and inspiring things.

“Well, the band would have wanted this contest to have no rules. So you choose what’s in the video- THERE ARE NO STINKING RULES!”

To be honest, I don’t really like the song. However, I still think this contest will be amazing. The best part is that all of the entries will be posted on YouTube. I can’t wait to kick back with some popcorn and check out what people come up with.

Hey Ranters, do you think you’ll be making a music video for the Midnight Riders, or are you just waiting to get your hands on the DLC?

The Sacrifice will be released in October 2010 for the PC, Mac and Xbox 360. No prices have been announced at this time, though the PC/Mac version is likely to be free.

Source: Left 4 Dead Blog