Not For Broadcast, affectionately described as a propaganda simulator, has announced its release date to Steam Early Access: January 30, 2020. The announcement trailer is also accompanied by a free-to-play prologue, which can be downloaded via Steam now. This prologue is essentially the Not For Broadcast demo.

As with all broadcasts, context is important. Not For Broadcast is set in an alternate version of the 1980s. As the nation stumbles towards dystopia, the National Nightly News team is tasked with breaking the news and keeping spirits up.

You play a janitor (presumably) who stepped into the studio at a fortuitous time. You came to clean up the newsroom, but through a bizarre twist of fate, you end up having to clean up the entire news broadcast. Right as a radical new government comes to power. What are the chances?

What does this button do?

Not For Broadcast puts players in a seat they’ve never really sat in before. As the former cleanliness custodian turned news producer, you’ve got a lot to learn if you’re going to successfully run the control desk of a national news channel. You will need to keep the audience entertained with flashy editing, mix shots from four camera feeds, bleep out the bad language, cue advertisements, and decide what to censor. All under the pressure of a live broadcast.

The free Not For Broadcast prologue episode will give you an introduction to the National Nightly News switchboard. You’ll get to cut an interview with pompous thespian Laurence Blundercatch, as well as edit a public statement from the winning political party after they’ve had a few celebratory drinks. Standard news producer things.

According to Creative Director Alex Paterson, there is a lot of scope and ambition behind the game. Not only that, but it’s growing in scale. The first three chapters alone feature a cast of over 50 actors in more than 20 locations. The developers also built a full-size news studio.

When Not For Broadcast releases onto Steam Early Access on January 30, 2020, it will include the initial three full chapters. The game will grow and evolve from there based on community feedback. The final version of the game will include ten chapters.

As you wait for the Not For Broadcast release date to arrive, you can add it to your Steam wishlist.