What would be the best thing you could get from your favorite video game website? If you answered, “A new favorite weekly video game web-comic,” then hang on because Game Rant’s Corrupted Saves has exactly what you need.

Join Zac Landry and Aaron Leach every week for the same Game Rant-flavored awesome-sauce that you’ve grown accustomed to… only now with pictures!

While it may be a little unclear where Ben Affleck is supposed to sit and weep his little heart out, at least this video game rendition of space transportation doesn’t look like a giant insect. Yes, Mass Effect, we’re looking right at you. Everyone knows that all good spacecraft come from shapes. What is an X-Wing if not a three-dimensional version of that triangle up there? The Enterprise is just a giant circle with an engine. And I’m sure that the game Geometry Wars doesn’t even need to be brought up; it’s in the freakin’ title!