There is no way to rationalize this.  Nothing I can preface it with to help it make any more sense.  So, here we go.

Read it again.  Let it sink in.  Who would make such a bold claim, you ask?  Believe it or not, this little gem appeared, bright and early,  in the February 5th Twitter feed of UK Nintendo mag NGamer.  Is it true?  Who knows.  NGamer is published by Future, arguably the largest publisher of games mags in the world.  Their portfolio includes every official console specific magazine on the racks here in America.  They are not in the business of just making stuff up.  But Sonic in Super Mario Galaxy 2?  Broken in a tweet?  I just don’t know.

“We’ve just had some shocking news from an inside source at Nintendo: Sonic will be a playable character in Mario Galaxy 2! Wha?”

The mechanical differences between the two characters would seem to make this a tough fit.  Sonic’s reckless speed just doesn’t make sense in Mario’s precise platforming world.  It seems highly unlikely that Nintendo’s Japanese development teams would simply throw in Sonic as a sort of palette-swap for Mario, ignoring all of Sonic’s trademark abilities.  But… wouldn’t it be awesome if it were true?  If Nintendo’s first party teams went all-in on making Sonic a real part of the game, we could be seeing the first truly great 3D Sonic game.

In any case, consider my interest in Super Mario Galaxy 2 refreshed.  What about you?  Would Sonic in Galaxy 2 be the best thing ever, or a sign of dwindling relevance for both characters?

Super Mario Galaxy 2 will release exclusively for the Nintendo Wii in quarter four of 2010.

Source:  NGamer