There’s not a single anime in existence that can boast the success of Dragon Ball Z. It goes without saying that the series is truly one of the best animes of all time, and has served as a gateway into the world of anime for countless people all over the globe. While most other anime series might state that they are some of the most renowned series of all time, everyone has to admit that the absolute pinnacle of anime popularity has to be Dragon Ball Z. Akira Toriyama has incepted a gift that keeps on giving, and the series is so incredibly popular that it’s still going strong in the form of Dragon Ball Super, that is deftly carrying the legacy of the Dragon Ball series.

There are a number of characters in the series that have become household names all over the world, and this particular list will talk about one such character that initially started out as a villain, but over time, transformed into an anti-hero of sorts and one of the most memorable individuals in the entire series. It’s obvious that the person in question is Vegeta, who has experienced some of the best character development anyone has ever witnessed in anime history. However, even serious fans of the series won’t have a clue about these 25 awesome facts about the Prince Of All Saiyans.

25 Turned Super Saiyan Simply Because His Ego Was Hurt Really Bad

Goku’s transformation into a Super Saiyan is truly one of the major highlights of the entire series. There are very few moments present across the entire series that can even hope to top this epic moment, and for good reason. His grief at losing Krillin compelled him to achieve the next level of power that helped him defeat Frieza. And what was Vegeta’s reason for attaining the same power that Goku achieved?

He was angry at the fact that he will never be as good as Goku, which shattered his oh-so-precious ego. When compared to the loss Goku had to endure, Vegeta’s transformation seems almost hollow by comparison. Was there really no better way to facilitate this transformation?

Speaking of transformations…

24 He Will Probably Never Transform Into A Super Saiyan 3

Goku’s transformation into a Super Saiyan 3 is truly one of the most epic transformations in the entire series. It’s a shame that this form was so underutilized, but the manner in which he reached this stage was certainly one of the most awesome (and definitely the loudest) transformations of all time. This makes it seem like a wasted opportunity that Vegeta never managed to reach this level in the entire series.

Of course, it’s not like Vegeta needs this level anymore. After all, the fact that the Super Saiyan 3 transformation is something that has completely been forgotten in Dragon Ball Super pretty much speaks for itself. However, it still would’ve been pretty great to see Vegeta with waist-length hair and no eyebrows.

23 How Did He Transform Into Super Saiyan Blue?

Honestly, the possibility of Vegeta becoming a Super Saiyan 3 is way higher than him attaining the power of Super Saiyan Blue.

Anybody who’s seen either the Battle Of The Gods movie or is keeping up with Dragon Ball Super knows for a fact that, in order to become a Super Saiyan God, you’ll need the spirits of six righteous Saiyans. While in the movie, it was shown that Goku was able to achieve this power by following this path, it’s never shown to the viewers whether Vegeta completed this ritual as well.

So, the fact that he is able to tap into the power of a Super Saiyan Blue is quite suspect in itself. Perhaps this was an oversight on Toriyama’s part, or maybe this could simply be because he just wanted Vegeta to be at the same power level as Goku, no matter what the plot consequences might be.

22 He’s Actually The King Of All Saiyans

One of the main taglines that Vegeta constantly spouts time and time again is that he is the Prince Of All Saiyans. It’s admittedly a pretty cool title (and the fact that we started the article off with this title speaks volumes for itself), but unfortunately, this title simply doesn’t make any sense anymore.

We say this because King Vegeta, who — in case it wasn’t clear enough already — was the father of Vegeta, perished at the hands of Frieza. This means that Vegeta is no longer a prince, but the King Of All Saiyans. Of course, this title is a bit hollow since the Saiyan race is pretty much extinct, but it’s still something that we need to bring up. After all, Vegeta is a prideful creature, and being a king would do wonders to his already inflated ego.

But does that even matter now? After all…

21 His Pride Matters… Except For When It Doesn’t

One of Vegeta’s major character traits that is constantly associated with his personality is his pride, which is established time and time again to be absolutely massive. While this might be the case with all Saiyans, the fact that Vegeta is royalty certainly places him at a higher ground. However, for someone whose pride is just so invaluable, there have been a number of occasions where he had to swallow this ego for the betterment of everyone.

During the Frieza Saga, we saw Vegeta constantly bending over to the whims of Frieza time and time again. If that wasn’t bad enough, when Beerus chose to visit Earth, Vegeta decided to quell his anger by… dancing! Yes, that’s right — the man who was meant to hold his pride above anything else decided to humiliate himself in a very public fashion.

But perhaps the biggest offender to Vegeta’s pride has to be the fact that he is…

20 Surprisingly Fine With Playing Second Fiddle To Goku

Vegeta’s insistence on calling Goku “Kakarot” is just one of the many ways in which we can witness the stubborn nature of his character, as he constantly chooses to call his rival by his petty soldier name. In fact, in the early goings of the series, his anger at being second to Goku’s power used to be a pretty prevalent plot thread… but it seems that this has been forgotten over time.

Now, pretty much everyone can vouch for the fact that Goku is stronger than Vegeta — including Vegeta himself. However, for some reason, it seems that the Prince Of All Saiyans is completely fine with playing second fiddle to Goku. This admission definitely doesn’t make any sense, when one looks at how Vegeta’s character has been built up.

This is compounded by the fact that…

19 He Has Never Been Bested By Goku In A One-On-One Brawl

You’d think that there has actually been a fair fight between Goku and Vegeta at an equal standing, but the fact of the matter is that there has never been a clear victor under such conditions. During their initial encounter, Goku required the help of his friends to get the upper hand on Vegeta’s Oozaru form. In the Buu saga, the fight that ensued ended with a cheap shot that Vegeta landed on Goku, after the former pretended to reconcile with the latter.

Now, while the duo spar at times, it’s more for training purposes and not to gauge who’s stronger. The fight that Goku had with Copy Vegeta also ended as a stalemate, and Vegeta has definitely surpassed Goku at certain points during Dragon Ball Super. It seems that Toriyama is saving the best fight for last.

18 His Height Has Varied Across Episodes

You can’t fault animators for not being able to maintain consistency at times, but even then, the numerous times that Vegeta’s height has been played around with is simply ridiculous. You won’t be at fault for not knowing just how tall he actually is. Earlier renditions made him out to be as tall as Bulma, but later on, he’s shown to be way taller.

According to the official wiki, Vegeta’s height is approximately 5'4". This makes him the shortest Z fighter, aside from the kids and Chiaotzu (who’s just completely irrelevant at this point, to be perfectly honest). Of course, for all we know, even the official wiki might be off by a few inches.

And speaking of animation mistakes…

17 He Was Originally Animated With Red Hair

One of the main drawbacks of manga is that none of the pages are colored. Of course, this is done so that mangakas can meet deadlines without being too stressed out, but it certainly limits the interpretation of certain minute details. Take the example of the early renditions of Vegeta in the anime, where he was shown to have red hair.

This was done mainly during the various filler moments that have pervaded the series time and time again. Thankfully, this miscommunication had been rectified early on, and when Vegeta landed on Earth, his hair was the familiar shade of black that we all know and love.

But perhaps the most glaring mistake of them all is discussed in the next entry.

16 It’s Actually Over 8000, Not 9000

Certain things do happen to get lost in translation. It just sucks that this iconic line has to be one of them.

Even if someone hasn’t seen Dragon Ball Z, they know for a fact that the line “It’s over 9000” has become one of the most iconic lines of all time. The sheer amount of hilarity that ensued over the internet when this line was twisted to become a meme speaks volumes for the level at which Dragon Ball Z has become an integral aspect of pop culture.

However, what might shatter this iconic sentence is the fact that the line was actually a translation error. Vegeta actually said that Goku’s power was over 8000, not 9000. It’s a small change, but you can’t deny the fact that the line might not have had the same effect had it been translated as such.

15 The Names Of His Powers Are Same In Both The Japanese And English Dubs

Since we’re already on the topic of dubs, here’s another thing that we should talk about.

Vegeta was undoubtedly one of the biggest threats that the Z Fighters had ever faced when he and Nappa landed on Earth. For all intents and purposes, Vegeta was an alien with a formidable power, unlike anything they’d ever dealt with. To add to his foreign nature, Toriyama decided to keep the name of Vegeta’s powers in English as well, unlike the rest.

Take a look at Goku’s attacks, namely the Kamehameha and the Genkidama (which was renamed as the Spirit Bomb in the English dub). Krillin’s Destructo Disc was called the Kienzan, and Tien’s Tri-Beam was originally known as the Kikoho. Meanwhile, Vegeta’s Gallick Gun and Big Bang Attack retained their names in both dubs.

Vegeta also retained another trademark feature of his throughout the entire series.

14 His Hairstyle Has Never Changed

When one says the word Saiyan (and — honestly speaking — Dragon Ball Z in general), one of the first things that come to mind has to be the insanely spiky and completely unrealistic spiky hair that has become iconic. Both Goku and Vegeta have sported these hairstyles, and both of them have never changed their hair either (no, GT doesn’t count) which is certainly pretty amazing.

The fact that most of the other characters in the series have actually changed their hair at one point in time is also a testament to just how iconic the hairstyles of Goku and Vegeta actually are. It’s come to the point where even thinking about changing these hairstyles will be akin to committing sacrilege for the hardcore fans of the series.

13 He’s The Oldest Z Fighter

It’s a pretty well-known fact that Saiyans retain their young looks even when they age, which is probably why both Goku and Vegeta look like they’re still in their prime, even after crossing their 40s (a fact that their partners simply can’t get over). However, what might surprise you is the fact that Vegeta is the oldest Z Fighter of them all.

Vegeta was already 5 years old when Goku was born. Yamcha, Tien, and Bulma are the closest to Vegeta in age, but that is negated when one looks at the fact that Vegeta spent a sizeable chunk of time in the hyperbolic time chamber as well. This means that Vegeta is at least 4 to 5 years elder to the rest of the Z Fighters.

12 He Actually Has A Brother… Who’s Canon!

Well, this is probably the least known fact on this list. Scratch that — it’s definitely the least known fact on this list.

The fact that Vegeta actually has a younger brother is quite startling, and his ambivalence to the fact that he hasn’t been there for his sibling completely fits with his character. Due to his lack of power and aggression, Tarble was banished from planet Vegeta (by his own father, no less).

He made his official appearance in a 2008 OVA, titled Yo! Son Goku and His Friends Return. However, he has yet to make an appearance in Dragon Ball Super. In fact, he was actually mentioned during Goku’s transformation into a Super Saiyan God, when Bulma asked Vegeta if Tarble could come and become the sixth Saiyan required for the ritual. However, since Vegeta hadn’t even bothered to keep in touch with his brother, the plan never really came to fruition.

11 He’s Literally Named After A Freakin’ Vegetable

This is just one of those Toriyama quirks that need to be addressed.

In case you haven’t noticed yet, Toriyama had a weird fixation with normal things that you might just find lying around when he decided to name some of the characters in this series. Frieza and Cooler are related to devices that keep things cold. Vegeta and Tarble together form the world vegetable, which is admittedly quite funny.

Then there is Goku’s Saiyan name Kakarot, which is obviously inspired by the word carrot. Similarly, Raditz has been taken from the word radish, and Broly from broccoli. It’s deceptively simple, and one can’t deny that it’s an effective way to name characters as well.

10 Vegeta’s Got A Real-Life Crush…In Ronda Rousey

It goes without saying that Ronda Rousey is definitely one of the most powerful and influential women on the planet. While her stock might’ve admittedly dropped now due to the back-to-back losses that she faced, she’s definitely still going strong (her recent contract with WWE proves that). This makes it all the more impressive that one of her cartoon crushes is none other than the Prince Of All Saiyans himself.

This can be seen in her appearance at WrestleMania 31, where she stood side-by-side with The Rock, wearing a Vegeta t-shirt with the misquoted line we’ve already talked about before in detail. She’s also talked about her love for Vegeta in an interview with Fight Hub TV, where she expresses admiration for Vegeta’s unparalleled dedication to training.

9 He’s Responsible For The Demise Of The Entire Ginyu Force

This might not be much of a surprise — after all, considering how ruthless Vegeta actually is, it wouldn’t be a stretch to say that he was especially cold-hearted when it came to dealing with the members of a group whom he absolutely detested. However, one might be forgiven for thinking that someone other than Vegeta would’ve ended the lives of at least one other person in the Ginyu Force.

But nope, that’s not the case. During the Frieza saga, Vegeta straight up beheaded Guldo, who was busy locking horns with Krillin and Gohan. When Goku chose to spare Recoome and Burter after making quick work of them, Vegeta came and ended both their lives. After that, he destroyed Jeice in combat. While Ginyu might’ve escaped unscathed then, this was quickly rectified when Vegeta ended him with an energy blast in the Resurrection F saga.

8 Even With His Many Defeats, He’s Still Considered A Good Guy

The entry above shows just a taste of Vegeta’s ruthlessness. Before he even landed on Earth, Vegeta decided to destroy entire planets and civilizations… just because he could. His body count is easily in the tens of thousands, if not more. His ruthless streak never really diminished, and his volatile nature makes him a risky individual to have around.

However, for some reason, the series always pushes forth the narrative that Vegeta is actually a “good” guy who fights for the world, not against it. The fact that his earlier actions have been completely ignored just so that he can be portrayed as an anti-hero of sorts is just plain stupid. There’s no way someone like Vegeta can flip his personality like it’s nothing more than a coin.

7 That Glorious Mustache Of His

Dragon Ball GT is a series that most people would prefer to forget, but trust us when we tell you that this will be the first and last mention of this series on this list. The only reason why we’re even talking about this is due to one particular instance regarding Vegeta that we think needs to be discussed.

The fact of the matter is that Dragon Ball GT completely destroyed the credibility of most of the characters that Dragon Ball Z had worked so hard to build. The perfect example of this has to be Vegeta, who — for some unknown reason — decided to grow a mustache, for no other reason other than the fact that he could. It goes without saying that this look was absolutely hideous, and further destroyed his credibility in the series (which was already in the dumps, to begin with).

6 He Still Has His Majin Power

Vegeta has had his fair share of moments in the Dragon Ball series, and one of the most iconic moments that we need to talk about came in the form of a selfish desire to obtain the power required to beat his rival once and for all. By deciding to let Babidi take over his mind and unlock his full potential, Vegeta reached a heightened state — albeit at the cost of his own individuality.

However, after sacrificing himself and being revived, later on, Vegeta is able to retain this power through constant training. This is nothing new to the series — after all, Goku and Vegeta were able to retain their Super Saiyan God powers by getting their bodies used to this heightened state through constant training. It wouldn’t be surprising that the same happened with Vegeta’s Majin transformation.

Speaking of which…