Hideo Kojma’s Death Stranding is one of the most anticipated games of 2019 - so anticipated in fact that some people are already breaking the review embargo to talk about the game and praise it for what it manages to accomplish.

Peter Tieryas, author of books like United States of Japan and Mecha Samurai Empire, is already gushing about Death Stranding on social media. According to Tieryas, Hideo Kojima’s game “… is breathtaking, easily one of the most unique and stunning experiences I’ve had in all my years of gaming.” Ironically, Tieryas continues by saying how he will share more thoughts about the game on November 1. The reason why that date is so special is because that is when the review embargo lifts, and critics and reviewers can start talking about Death Stranding. So in theory, Tieryas has broken the embargo, although he did not give away any spoilers or major plot events.

It seems that although Tieryas hasn’t said too much about the game, his tweet which was posted on October 28, is now deleted (retweets say “This Tweet is unavailable). It’s not certain if he deleted the tweet voluntarily or if he was told to, but that’s just how things go when it comes to review embargoes. Even the slightest or the most innocent discussion about the game can be seen as an embargo violation.

Interestingly enough, Tieryas’ now-deleted tweet was retweeted by Kojima Productions, the development studio that worked on Death Stranding. As part of the retweet, Kojima Productions has thanked Tieryas for his “review” and for making a “great teaser comment.”

Tieryas isn’t the only person to speak highly of Death Stranding in recent memory. George Miller, who is the director of Mad Max: Fury Road, also talked about Death Stranding and had positive things to say about the game. In a video posted by IGN, Miller refers to Hideo Kojima’s game as “stunning” and as “extraordinary” while watching and observing some of the footage presented to him.

Death Stranding is set to release for the PS4 on November 8, one week from when the review embargo is lifted. The game will also release for PC in the early summer of 2020.

Source: TheSixthAxis

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